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29 files

  1. Aeroclub Airport in Elbląg EPEL (Poland).

    Aeroclub Airport in Elbląg EPEL (Poland).
    Special thanks to Kamil Sugier for providing the building models.


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  2. ENBM - Voss Airport, Bømoen

    ENBM - Voss Airport, Bømoen
    I've added a quick and easy rendition of ENBM to the sim. This airport is not in the base game unfortunately, most likely due to really bad quality aerial imagery.
    Voss Airport, Bømoen is a general aviation airport located on the former Bømoen Base in Vossevangen in Voss Municipality in Vestland county, Norway. Flight is only permitted during daylight with visual flight rules. Every June the Extreme Sport Festival is organized in Voss. The airport plays a central sole for several of these events, including parachuting and hanggliding.
    Added runway and apron Ground markings based on real life Added missing vegatation Correct runway slope Correct ariport information Fixed altitude of some lakes


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    1 comment


  3. ENSD - Sandane Airport, Anda

    ENSD - Sandane Airport, Anda

    I’ve created a rendition of my local airport ENSD - Anda. It’s a massive improvement compared to the default. The airport is located on the beautiful west coast of Norway, and is considered one of the most dangerous airports in Norway due to the relative short runway, fjords on both ends, and the mountains around the airport.

    Sloped runway based on accurate height data Updated apron based on up to date sattalite imagery Correct taxiways and parkings based on local charts Manual terraforming to make the terrain more like real life Added buildings that resambles to some degree the real ones Custom ground marking textures to match the real life markings Correct metadata for the airport Same tower frequency as real life


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  4. Ince Microlight Airstrip

    Ince Microlight Airstrip is located not far from Liverpool (United Kingdom). It seems to be mainly used by microlights but there is nothing stopping you flying whatever aircraft you want within Flight Simulator.
    Use the ICAO code EGIC to locate the airport. This ICAO code was given by Microsoft Flight Simulator, the airstrip does not seem to have any ICAO code assigned in the real world. Seems it could be a mistake but thought I would leave it as it is just in case.
    Installation Steps
    Copy the folder "thegarner-airport-egic-ince" to your Microsoft Flight Simulator installation directory under the "Community" folder.
    All runways added including number markings. Additional vegetation Multiple static aircraft Multiple GA parking spots Multiple static objects such as buildings, cars, fences and more. Tried to resemble what the real airstrip looks like. Windsocks  


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