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Airliner mods

53 files

  1. RealPFD for Rotate's MD80

    RealPFD, an accurate PFD for the MD80 by Rotate.
    Rotate's default PFD has some huge differences between the majority of MD80 PFDs in the real airplanes. I addressed these differences in this addon to make the PFD much more accurate as you can see in the images above (see the Before, After, and Real screenshots).
    What was changed?
    - Artificial Horizon colors, shape, and size
    - Font of numbers
    - Command Bar/Flight director cross-hare color, shape, and size
    - Symbolic aircraft colors, size, and shape
    - Bank markings length and width
    - Width of lines marking degrees of pitch
    - Simple CRT display simulation (pixel distortion and brightness)
    - A little bit of dust, dirt, and finger prints that you probably wouldn't notice unless you zoomed in and looked
    - Many other small tweaks
    Step 1: Place the "cockpit_3d" folder in your root MD80 folder. ("X-Plane 11/Aircraft/Rotate MD80")
    Step 2: Merge and replace files when needed.
    Step 3: Enjoy a realistic and accurate MD80 PFD!


       (6 reviews)



  2. FF A320 PS/GiMP Wing improvement kit

    Before I start with anything - after download RTFM - Read the effin manual. THERE IS A VIDEO TUTORIAL AS WELL.
    This is a highly experimental project. It's possible that I've forgotten something so please when something seems odd or is unclear feel free to contact me.
    This is a Photoshop/GiMP kit for adding wing details to any FF A320 livery. Please note that you don't have to use this kit for any of my liveries since my liveries will already feature these additional details or they will come in the next update.
    Download the FF A320 WING KIT and the FF A320 NML. Choose the WING KIT version according to whether you'll be using GiMP or Photoshop. Then read the manual.
    Some feature higlights
    fixed and improved leading edge (less shiny and correct shape) flight control surfaces are glossy several options for wing colours addition of unpainted part front of the aileron other minor details  


       (0 reviews)



  3. RealPFD for Zibo's 737-800

    RealPFD, an accurate PFD for the 737-800 by Zibo.
    What was changed?
    - Artificial Horizon colors
    - Pink object & text colors
    - Command Bar/Flight director cross-hare color, shape, and size
    - LCD display simulation (pixel grain, bloom, pixel burn-in, and saturation variation)
    - Many other tiny tweaks
    Step 1: Place the "cockpit_3d" folder in your root Zibo 737 folder. ("X-Plane 11/Aircraft/B737-800X")
    Step 2: Merge and replace files when needed.
    Step 3: Enjoy a realistic and accurate 737-800 PFD!


       (5 reviews)



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