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United Airlines N77019 - 777-200ER 1.5

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6 Screenshots

About This File

N77019 was one of the later 777s delivered to Continental. It stayed with them until the merger with United in 2010. It was repainted in 2011 with United markings and remains in operation to this day. It has since been repainted in the new evoblue livery in late 2023. This livery is intended to be an accurate representation of the aircraft while it was flying in United's old colors. If you find any errors or areas that need improvement please let me know and I'll do my best to update it. 

Three versions are available. All versions contain unique cockpit markings made by @capar92UA

1. A standard livery reflecting N77019 before it was repainted in 2023. 

2. A mismatched cowling on the right side

3. A fictional PW4000 style mismatched cowling. The united 777 fleet replaced all of the forward cowlings on their PW4000 equipped aircraft after the 2021 engine failure in Denver. A design change resulted in all cowlings being replaced, and since they were already updating to the evoBlue livery this resulted in mismatched cowlings on both sides of nearly all PW4000 777s. This livery is for the GE90, however this livery replicates the look of the PW4000 cowling mismatch. 

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