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Everything posted by Marten@Stairport

  1. That pretty much depends on how fast the org guys are in terms of uploading the files. From our experience it takes a couple of days longer.
  2. Thanks good idea indeed. Will forward that to Santa as well
  3. Thanks for your feedback. Here is ours: 1. Jetways accidentally connecting onto unauthorized ID's That's because during implementation of this jetway you ticked "force connect to aircraft" and forgot to uncheck it before continuing with the next one. As it is forced it will connect anywhere although you're out of the limits. That setting is saved until next restart of the sim. 2. Jetway not fully lowered into position on smaller aircraft The template of each jetway is set to a certain limit so that passengers would not have to "climb" out of the aircraft. However depending on the aircraft type and the jetway it indeed has to be finetuned. You can do that by editing the values in the installation tab of each jetway after applying the template. You can then save a new template which will include all new values if you like. NEVER EVER change the door position of an aircraft which is already supported. It will mess up all other jetways I might be blind, but I don't really see an option to configure gate configurations dependent on the aircraft type. This is somewhat at a disadvantage if you have several different gate markings for one stand. That would basically require to set up a correct parking spot for EVERY supported aircraft. If Heathrow has like 100 parking spots you would have to set up more than 1.000 configurations. I bet you won't do that and that's why it's not implemented This is more on the Laminar side, but trying to slew aircraft using the default map is extremely difficult. Perhaps some simple transform commands would be appropiate here The easiest would be to set up a WED startup location for each parking spot. Then you only have to load each once. However you would have to use a docking object (marshaller/VDGS) for each parking position. It is not possible to serve different parkings with the same object. But it will only show the one which is the closest to your position. On a single monitor screen, the SAM interface (not the authoring tool) is rather invasive. I would prefer to see an on-screen option that slides out when in range. You are probably refering to the situation when using manual connection instead of automatic because otherwise the long list of jetways wouldn't be visible. We might change that in the future. Options for stair tugs and baggage carts? I'm not aware of the roadmap and it may be something you've already considered. Although christmas is close Santa was busy with other things this year Attempting to connect to Jetway is often a bit fiddly. Sometimes the option is presented on screen, but gates won't connect. Other times, you set a parking position which should be in range, but isn't. Probably because you added a lot of jetways and played around with the checkboxes, testsliders etc. Try to restart the sim. If the jetway is still not connecting you can click "force connect" and check the test sliders. You will definitely have at least one value which is out of limits. If the object permits you can change the values but the library jetways are actually pretty much set up to their maximum values. We hope to have more jetway models in the future. And yes we will create a tutorial on how to animate jetways, at least for 3ds max. If you have AC3D you can import the library jetway to see the animated parts with their values.
  4. SAM is created in a windows environment so we can support that easily. The plugin should also work in Mac OS and Linux however we don't officially support them. If you find a crucial bug, please report it in the section Bug Reports.
  5. Simply copy the SAM folder into your Resources/Plugins folder. In the X-Plane menu you will find the new SAM entry in the plugins directory. Then copy the SAM_Library folder into your custom scenery folder. If you forget this you will probably get error messages when loading SAM supported sceneries which use the provided library objects. Please keep in mind that each scenery has to be configured individually by the developer to work with SAM. It is not working with default X-Plane Gateway sceneries!
  6. Developers can create several custom animations or use provided library objects. In case it is a controllable animation you will see a checkbox in the user menu. By clicking it you can start and stop the animation (for example to open or close a hangar). Keep in mind that the buttons are only visible if you are in the relevant area and the objects are loaded. Especially when using lower graphic settings some objects might not be loaded and therefore no button appears.
  7. In the settings tab you can select the jetways to automatically connect to your aircraft when you are in range. This is the default setting. To manually control the jetways uncheck this option. For the automatic connection two conditions have to be fulfilled: The Engines have to be shut down (no fuel flow) and the Beacon light has to be disabled.
  8. The Parking Guidance objects (VDGS or Marshaller) use different states depending on the current situation. If you initially load up a flight it will always be off and only be available again once you start up the engines and approach another parking spot. While approaching the optimal parking spot it runs through different states showing you the distance and the deviation. Once parked it will be disabled/hidden.
  9. If you want to animate your custom jetway object to work with SAM we propose to use a library jetway as a reference. The following datarefs and their values are available: sam/jetway/rotate1 | -/+ 90 degrees | Rotation of the entire jetway around Z-axis at 0,0,0 sam/jetway/rotate2 | -/+ 90 degrees | Rotation of the docking door sam/jetway/rotate3 | -/+ 6 degrees | Vertical rotation of the gangway around X-axis sam/jetway/extent | 0-10 meters | Gangway extent in meters along Y-axis sam/jetway/wheels | -/+ 2 meters | Distance of vertical translation of the wheel pillar sam/jetway/wheelrotatel | 0-360 degrees | Left wheel rotation (forward) sam/jetway/wheelrotater | 0-360 degrees | Right wheel rotation (forward) sam/jetway/wheelrotatec | -/+ 90 degrees | Wheel turn axis rotation sam/jetway/warnlight | 0/1 | status 1 = Jetway is operating Note: You have to animate from/to all values listed above. If your jetway does only extent 5m please animate it to 10m so SAM can calculate the correct value. You can limit the extent to 5m in the authoring tool later. Once the object is finished and placed in your custom scenery you configure the animation the same way like library jetways except setting own values instead of the template. In this case you don’t need to register the datarefs but set the measures of your object in the Description tab. We propose to read out the measures from your 3D Editor. However you can also use debug lines by selecting Show Debug Lines in the Util tab. They will indicate each value as a colored string. Furthermore use the Force Connect to Aircraft button in the Test Arrangement tab to check your entered measures. If the docking door is in a wrong position you can finetune the values until they are correct. Please do this finetuning mainly by changing the Distance from cabin pivot to end of cabin and Height of bottom jetway edge above ground. If you change other values your animation might get messed up under different circumstances (other door heights or extend distances). If you don’t want to enter the values for all jetways again simply store them as a template in your custom scenery and load them for each following object. Finally you have to set up the jetway limits per object as described in PART 2. VIDEO TUTORIAL
  10. The plugin already provides the following pre-animated datarefs which can be used in your custom objects: Dataref | Values | Description sam/library/hangar/door20s | 0 - 20 | Runs from 0 to 20 in 20 seconds sam/library/hangar/door40s | 0 - 40 | Runs from 0 to 40 in 40 seconds sam/library/hangar/door60s | 0 - 60 | Runs from 0 to 60 in 60 seconds sam/library/light/obs | 0 - 1 | Runs automatically between 0 and 1 in 2,5 seconds sam/library/windturbine | 0 - 360 | Rotor blade turning according to the windspeed sam/library/radar2s | 0 - 360 | Runs automatically between 0 and 360 in 2 seconds sam/library/radar4s | 0 - 360 | Runs automatically between 0 and 360 in 4 seconds sam/library/radar6s | 0 - 360 | Runs automatically between 0 and 360 in 6 seconds Video Tutorial Create custom datarefs VIDEO TUTORIAL
  11. The provided SAM Library contains different pre-animated objects to be used within your custom scenery. You can easily implement them without the full background knowledge. There is a tutorial showing the implementation as well. Add Jetways Add Marshaller/VDGS Add other library objects
  12. Before you can use any SAM content you have to register your custom scenery folder within the plugin. Open the Authoring Tool and select the scenery tab. Click add, select your scenery from the list and give it a convenient name (proposal: DEVELOPERNAME - ICAO AIRPORTNAME). Click save and it will appear in the SAM scenery list. Now it is ready to be animated. Hint: If you woud like your scenery to be hidden in the list because you're done with the configuration manually open the sam.xml file in your custom scenery folder and set locked="true".
  13. Version 1.1.0 X-Crafts ERJ series Colimata Concorde Ultimate 737 MAX8 Version 1.0.9 Ultimate B737 Version 1.0.2 Parnik Simulations AN24 Aerosoft ATR72 Dreamfoil EMB110 FlyJSim DHC8 Version 1.0.1 JRollon CRJ200 Version 1.0.0 Laminar Research B738, B747, MD82 Zibo B738 Ultimate B739 JARDesign A320, A330 Toliss A319 SSG B748, E170, E195 FlyJSim B727, B732 Avroliner Project RJ100 Flightfactor A320*, A350, B757, B762, B763, B777 IXEG B733 XCraft's E175, E195 Riverie A320neo, A321neo, A330neo, A380plus EADT x737, x738 Francesco D'Arpa DC9 Pilot Sanya Tu134, A310, Tu204/214 Ramzess IL96 Magknight B789 Michael Wilson 707, L1011, DC-8, HS Trident RW Design A330 Felis Tu154 Peter Hager A380 LES Saab 340 Rotate MD80 * Flightfactor overwrites the beacon light so no automatic jetway connection is possible. However you can use the user menu to connect a jetway manually.
  14. Some aircrafts can use multiple jetways for boarding. They will automatically connect to all available doors. Keep in mind that depending on your parking position and the jetways sometimes only one jetway will connect because the others are not in your range. If you want to connect only one jetway although multiple ones would be available you have to switch off the automatic connection in the user settings menu and connect them manually.
  15. SAM Jetways will always connect to your aircraft wherever you park as long as you are in sufficient range. So it doesn't matter if you are not 100% correctly headed or a bit offset to the perfect parking spot. Furthermore you can use the same jetway for multiple parking spots in different angles.
  16. Like real jetways the SAM equivalent will keep the connected position as long as possible. That means if you change i.e. the aircraft mass it will follow the subsidence of the door location relative to the connection point.
  17. Hi everyone, in the world of programming there will always be bugs. However we try to minimize them as much as possible. Please help us by following this guideline: Check Reports | Please check the reported bugs before adding a new one to make sure nobody is already on it. Convenient Title | Please use a short but precise title for your topic Detailed Description | Please give as a description of your problem as detailed as possible. Log Files | Please upload sam.log (X-Plane/Resources/plugins/SAM) and log.txt (X-Plane Root)
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