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Posts posted by Bakr

  1. I remember setting behind my 14 inch CGA Monitor in early 90's, and playing MSFS version 2 on a late night.

    my imagination was going wild feeling myself flying at night (screen was totally black except for the white lines or airport run-way.

    the rest of details was filled implicitly by the brain - the pixel stars of the night..etc.

    But looking at these night snapshots up here .... have i had access to these at those days .... i would have been a faithful pilot by now.

  2. One of the things that is sort-of pulling back in xp11 is its age scene light rendering engine, which gives a feeling that color space is dull and washed out, no matter what plugins such as shaderx or xvision tries to do..

    for ex-enviro, the area i see it still needs refinement is the blending of cloud edges under certain light conditions, whereby it should be softer, but am not sure how will xp12 photo-metric new rendering engine will work out to change that.

    does xenviro benefit in terms of ray-marching from the new xp12 photo-metric rendering .. in case you have access to private alpha edition of xp12.

  3. this thread will soon heat up, having come that far, like the good days we had in recent release cycles.

    am always keeping an eye on this precious hiding place.

    having watched the last published video, i see it very much promising to end up better than msfs cloud depictions at near distance.

  4. image.png.018d3d26af57fcdc3b6fb12e8f74d479.png

    Greetings to the Great Team of XE

    the above screenshot - courtesy of its owner at YouTube video link below - has captured my attention.

    Especially to how the city lights penetrate the clouds from high above, - i hope this feature gets tuned and optimized in XE as it looks awesome.

    Best Regards


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  5. On 9/26/2020 at 4:00 PM, nabber said:

    At least you are transparant and consistent too....You came for the looks and now left XP11 for the looks. I came for the flight dynamics and systemsm, tried MSFS2020, and I'm back for the flight dynamics again. Uninstalled msfs2020, not worth allocating any diskspace. 

    a very interesting insight, despite we have heard that msfs2020 had a new physics non-flying-block dynamics.

    based on on your personal encounter - can you xplane (explain) how short was msfs2020 from x-plane with regards to flight dynamics... am eager to that (although not subject of this thread.)..

  6. 4 hours ago, Captain Kitten said:

    The limitations right now is performance.  Once we have the performance headroom we need we will unleash xEnviro - we haven't even started on shapes.


    • Like 1
  7. From my observation,

    i see that xenviro renders the clouds not as individual objects, but as one object that is covering a big grid cubical area, that is why some square clouds used to appear.
    further to this, i could see sometimes a form of pattern, like the under-carpet weaving. as a scan in 3d space is run in order to generate a hologram.

    whereas i perceive that in msfs, each cloud is a separate object that has its own properties of growth, in a fashion similar to what "rex environment force" is doing (at least how they control size of clouds)

    the parameter that controls size of clouds does not exist in XE thus far, maybe partly because the environment is always based on real weather data. and/or because truly my above statement is true to say that Xenviro scans a 3d space to create a hologram of weather depiction based on data provided by live weather  metar

    if am correct at all, while this approach has advantages, it might have some limitations, one of the advantages is the ability to render the whole atmosphere while not stressing the system, i do recall you mentioned earlier a half-rendering and full-rendering approaches, - i guess am pointing to the same notion.

    one thing i noticed, is that in general the clouds layer looking thin, or maybe our visual perception is polluted by exaggerated clouds in m$f$2o2o

    i sea that xenviro is still in its infancy, and has many more surprises in the very near future for the community to outperform the great new next-gen benchmark of msfs

    whereby the competition will eventually lead to visual development extrusions to catch up and set a farther new refined standard in realistic weather depiction.

    for example, currently xe needs more tuning (i know it is a matter of tuning and head-room) to be able to provide a scene like this photo (in Armenia)




    Notice the clouds have a large vertical scale and form pertaining to this cloud type,

    the last snapshots of 1.14 in this thread - are very very superior in terms of grain and granular definition of cloud noise at micro scale (frankly better than msfs), but at the macro scale, some more work needs to be done.

    we hope xe can produce these results in the short to medium term.

    Keep up the good works of wonder


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    • Haha 1
  8. Based on the last snapshots, i can see a level of cloud details never seen before , the formations of vapor(cloud) spread are more realistic - something that i knew you had it right from day zero mathematical formulas wise, but were not able to push in earlier releases unless you resolve on the performance optimization paths .... even though these are not representing final product, but congratulations .. the incremental effort is tangible over time.

    Based on above screenshots, XE engine can produce these clouds easily (similar to below photo), albeit there are still limitations in rendering pipeline and lighting system in the x-plane that may be addressed in plugins that tweak the environment parameters to bring more vibrant color


  9. On 7/26/2020 at 10:08 PM, Kris Thorsheim said:

    Most of us are...if you are human.

    I am an AI backed smart Robot, i can easily differentiate between school buses, motorcycles, cars, chimneys, crosswalks and traffic lights puzzles, but i need to train more on new cloud patterns in XE 1.14 

    • Haha 2
  10. We are eagerly anticipating the next appetite enticing progress update for XE 1.14 - inclusive of all technical wizardry -  (along with new royalty free screen shots to replace my current desktop background)

    • Like 2
  11. Seriously, in 2021, there is a new hardware generational leap with Navi 20 and GTX 3080 TI promising extra 50% tflops, and faster cpu's IPC and clock speed .

    This will give a lot of performance headroom, which would allow side by side to spice up the rendering pipeline to increase the quality, we are yet to see the focus road-map of laminar after they finish perfecting the Vulcan stutter-less implementation ... fingers crossed.

    Serious simmers will have the investment worthwhile into a proper pro-level rig.

  12. Just a thought,

    Guess the main challenge in the VOXEL based rendering is the VOXEL Density and its pressure on the GPU resource..

    Talking about performance optimization paths ... have you considered the abstract concept of: De-Voxeling and Sub-Voxeling.

    For example, Say a cloud is far from camera, then with some calculus derivations (or utilization of a cloud boundary gizmo as mnemonic and derive a mesh or multiple globule meshes to reproduce it ) you could de-voxel it (decrease the count  of voxels and offload the GPU and gain more performance - and rather render it with help of approximating shaders that take into account some parameters of opacity sub-surface scattering 


    The Vexel Object is not a hull - the Mesh object is hull and empty from inside - so the smart shading like (sss) as well as ray-marching approximations works to give impression of being volumetric .

    • Whereby all above is done while still maintaining the overall cloud dimensions , form and shape).... technically converting it into a Mesh rather than a Voxel object with any approach you seem fit..
    • Whereby you still need to maintaining a two-way logical path to convert it from a mesh into a dense Voxel object  "The Sub-Voxelation")
    • whereby it should in theory work like tessellation .. i mean in a Dynamic fashion.
    • whereby the Sub-Voxelation is activated only for cloud objects of x-distance from camera (not from airplane).. we focus on the eye of beholder.

    In comparison, the clouds of True sky library and fs2020 seem to be using such techniques... am not sure at all..

    But the ideas of coming up with a Hybrid of techniques and blend them in a smart way seems to make sense...

    Now when an airplane comes very close within a range of say 5 kilometers , then you would voxelate these clouds as you please at the granular level that achieves the visual fidelity and acceptable noise level - all done without putting a strain on the GPU like before.. for Full Modelling or Half Modelling approach..

    Frankly the clouds in P3Dv5 look great from far distance and ugly from low distance . (similar issue with fs2020 to an extent)

    i think making a hybrid cloud modeling approach would be a win-win for an efficient  volumetric clouds real-time rendering pipeline

    The shader-based cloud volume is having advantage of being fast in performance such as:

    But after all, nothing comes close the the REAL thing (the Voxel Approach is the Mother of all Volumetric clouds provided the GPU hardware can handle take it... i think we need to wait for Navi 21 and GTX3080 TI to witness a new era of what is possible)
    Hope my coffee is doing good as Andrey's bania ruska..

    Final Note::

    I have mixed up the Term Texel and Voxel... my intention was about Voxels and not Texels.
    Therefore, all "Texel" words been replaced by "Voxel" now.

    • Like 2
  13. In theory it should work having Vulkan Settings Enabled.

    However, this does not mean that X-Enviro is actually using the Vulkan render pipeline.

    The answer to that is found on Laminar Dev Blog whereby OpenGL Drawing Calls are still served by calling the right API
    Ref: https://developer.x-plane.com/2020/02/cloud-add-ons-and-vulkan-episode-iv-a-new-hope/

    That Area seems a work in progress and might require some sort of code optimization by the plugin developer to clear out any rough edges...


    The Skymaxx and xEnviro developers are in our private test program and have been great about jumping on new builds while remaining radio silent while we test this new tech. I am pleased to now be able to say: it works!

    Correct me on that..

    • Like 1
  14. Captain,

    In General, per my humble observation, the clouds in XE look more opaque than they should be.. 
    Shouldn't the cloud particles (at voxel level) be having a bit more inherent translucence (just one extra little nudge)?

    The accumulation of more volume/density would then naturally compensate to decrease that effect in the more bulky parts of the cloud, and build up opaque effect that still exhibits more authentic rendition of internal light diffusion.

    I think it is worth experimenting, as it will give the clouds a more transparent edges and light diffusion effect.

    ref: https://www.globe.gov/web/s-cool/home/observation-and-reporting/cloud-visual-opacity

    Best Regards

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