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Threshold LevelUp

Autobrake Disengage


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Hello, enjoying the LevelUP B738.

One quick question that is perplexing me, I suspect it might be something on my side, it has occurred at a number of landings.

Land, Autobrakes engages, engage r/thrust, disengage r/thrust @ 70knt, apply manual brake, a/brake disengages.

The issue is that when I release the toe brakes, that aircraft continues to decelerate to a complete stop without input. It is not unit I tap 'b' on keyboard that it releases brakes after I have stopped and allows me to move.

Have I configured something incorrectly?

Using CH-rudder.

I cross referenced tonight with the Zibo B738, behaved as expected when I applied toe brakes (a/brake disconnected and brakes remain released)


Thank you in advance


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