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One Jetway Multiple Doors

Homer Jay

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first thank you for the hard work you have put into this amazing plug-in. Today I tried to set up a scenery with your default jetways. As I was playing around one question appeared.

So is there a way to set multiple door connection points (e.g.: LF1, LF2) to only one jetway object?

I was at a position which only featured one jetway, but which is used for A330 and A320 for example. Because in real the A320 would be boarded via LF1, but the A330 would normally boarded via LF2 if there is only one jetway, this option would be cool to have. But I didn't find a way to set up 2 door locations, because you can select the jetway object only once and add only one door location at a time in the editor tool.

Or did I miss this option?


Best Regards


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Hi Marten,


thanks for the fast response. Then I'll have to hope, that many users will ask for that feature :-D

Is it really a so complex logic? Because to me it looks like the plug-in will already check which jetways are in the vicinity of the aircraft, so you already have a check how many jetways are at a gate. Furthermore it looks like the plug in already checks which doors the aircraft has as it greys out the jetway options which are not available/ in range for the used AC Type. So to my mind the main logic should already be there to decide which to connection jetway to multiple doors. But that are just my two cents as a layman in programming..

Best regards

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It is because it doesn't know a 'gate' with different Jetways but only checks if there is a Jetway with a corresponding door identifier in the vicinity. There is no 'exchange' or communications between Jetways. This kind of intelligence with all its facets would have to be coded. Furthermore it would make it more complex to developers to set up a Jetway an probably nobody wants that 😉

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3 hours ago, Marten@Stairport said:

It is because it doesn't know a 'gate' with different Jetways but only checks if there is a Jetway with a corresponding door identifier in the vicinity. There is no 'exchange' or communications between Jetways. This kind of intelligence with all its facets would have to be coded. Furthermore it would make it more complex to developers to set up a Jetway an probably nobody wants that 😉

Well if this is a python plugin, maybe elif statements could work, as when I have played around with the authoring tool, when you change the jetway to LF2 from LF1, it switches. So maybe a if there is a LF2 then connect to that, or else connect to LF1. 

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That part would be easy. But allowing that would make jetways intersect with each other. For example, imagine two jetways on one gate that are configured like that. SAM would have to make sure that the jetways don't intersect when one connects to LF1 and the other one to LF2. By enforcing one door per jetway, the scenery author has control over this.

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Well of course If conditions will be difficult if there are two jetways at a gate and they will get in conflict with each other. But If you asign only one door connection to each jetway, even though there would be the possibility to select two door connection point for one jetway there won't be any problem, so you don't even have to check the amount of jetways at gate. You just have to put a notice to the manual somewhere, to set only one door point for multiple jetways.

But if only have one jetway and it would be possible to set up two door connections, there won't be such problems interfering only in Auto mode. As I understand correctly the logic now is something like thisFlying the A320 for example leads plug in to look for jetways assigned to LF1, but finds LF1 and LF2, LF2 not possible for aircraft, so it greys out the jetway LF2 connect button or in auto mode will auto connect to LF1. (I don't see a problem here). Flying the A330, it will see LF1 and LF2 in vincity, shows up both connection buttons and user can choose which door to connect (no problem so far to my mind). Only in auto mode plug-in won't know to which door to connect.



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I'm confused, perhaps I have misread. It seems to me the question has little to do with multiple jetways and more to do with stands that have 1 jetway. Terminal D at KDFW is a good example of a lot of large gates that have 1 jetway. In this case that one jetway usually connects to LF2 of a large aircraft. If I park an A320 there though I should be able to connect the same single jetway to LF1 on the smaller aircraft. Am I understanding correctly that this is not possible at the moment?

Edit: I have read more thoroughly and understand now. I would be very nice to have a configuration option for jetways so that stands with multiple jetways could force LF1 and a different option that would allow you to specify LF2 for large aircraft and LF1 for small. That way it's up to the developer to configure it properly, adds very little workload, and fixes my biggest gripe about Autogate. That said I'm just a user, not a developer. I just fly a lot of heavies out of single jetway stands.

Edited by carterra3
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Generally possible for sure. However it would be permanent per aircraft and not to choose for the user because that would require intensive recoding to the system.

But let's think about another case that happens quite often in real life:

Only one Jetway connects to a heavy aircraft although there are multiple Jetways available (cost reduction, construction work,...). 

That would still be not possible. 

EDIT: Of course you can connect the same Jetway at different parking spots as long as you are in the limits. However only to the corresponding door Identifier. 

Edited by Marten@Stairport
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Sure, that's an understandably difficult and annoying problem, but I'd imagine that that use case would be much rarer than the large versus small aircraft at a single jetway stand.  Not being able to choose the door and have it set by aircraft is also probably no problem, as long as the scenery dev could force it to a door if for some reason that were necessary. Definitely speaking out of ignorance, so don't put too much weight on my input.


As an aside, I'm no developer but I have dropped some library jetways into some scenery. Outstanding work y'all. Love it.

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The more I think about the idea multiple door connection one jetway, the more I see the problems behind it and understand that it's not realizable for an upcoming update. By the way this never was my intention, just wanted to see whether its possible or not. But I see the plug-in's limitation on that on, but nevertheless it would be cool to find a way someday to realize it.

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  • 2 months later...

Well I have another idea, what if you would add the possibility to choose the door option „any“.

This will let the jetway connect to nearest door if aircraft has more then one door and in Plugin in Auto Mode or if Plugin is in manual mode, let the user decide to which door in Range of the jetway should be connected.

Just an idea, don’t know how much coding that will result in, but it would solve problems if there are two jetways at a gate and  working with LF1/LF2 identifiers only.

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