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Genoa stand not detecting airplane


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The jetways at Genoa are fixed so they cannot rotate. You have to park more or less precise according to the guidance to allow a connection.

Stand 401: for large aircrafts, no jetway operation

Stand 402: Works fine if you hold right next to the jetway entry.

Stand 403: for large aircrafts, no jetway operation

I just noticed that the Guidance for Stand 402 is not correct. You can replace the sam.xml in your scenery folder with the one attached until we release the next official update.


Edited by Marten@Stairport
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2 hours ago, Marten@Stairport said:

The jetways at Genoa are fixed so they cannot rotate. You have to park more or less precise according to the guidance to allow a connection.

Stand 401: for large aircrafts, no jetway operation

Stand 402: Works fine if you hold right next to the jetway entry.

Stand 403: for large aircrafts, no jetway operation

I just noticed that the Guidance for Stand 402 is not correct. You can replace the sam.xml in your scenery folder with the one attached until we release the next official update.


What I mean with 401 is that no marshaller is spawned. Does it only interact with Wide body Aircraft's then?

No problem with 403, I mean that that's the only way 402 "works".

thanks for the fix! 🙂

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Yeah I'm not sure how they do it in real life because there is no space for a Marshaller. He would have to stand far away from the parking position somewhere inside the terminal. So maybe this position is not being used anymore. Would need to get some input by someone who knows the real life operations on that. 

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8 hours ago, Marten@Stairport said:

Yeah I'm not sure how they do it in real life because there is no space for a Marshaller. He would have to stand far away from the parking position somewhere inside the terminal. So maybe this position is not being used anymore. Would need to get some input by someone who knows the real life operations on that. 

Oh, okey. no problem for me. 

I can deal with the 402 fixed 🙂

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  • 3 weeks later...


I'm having issues again, this time related to jetways.

When coming from a flight or starting on runway with engines on (also short final), cutting fuel flow and turning beacons off doesn't let the Jetway to connect, not even the amber lights are on.

However, if you start at stand with engines ON, and cut fuel flow and turn beacon off, the jetway actually works.

Tried with Default B737 and Zibo, both with same result, and in different stands.

Issues with versions 1.0.4 and 1.0.5


Also, just found this issue. The doors actually goes from closed to open to the other side like in the photo, doesn't stop when is folded (happens with both doors, left and right).



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17 hours ago, Marten@Stairport said:

Please post the necessary logs as usual. As you seem to be the only one with that issue we can't help without the logs...

Here are them. Both issues still present. Piaggio door and jetway not connecting when coming from a flight/runway.

I could make a video but I don't think it could help too much.



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3 hours ago, Marten@Stairport said:

Could you please do the following: Taxi to jetway position, set brakes, switch engines and beacon of and THEN upload the SAM.log again?

The current one does not include the taxi in but only a loaded flight.

Just done that, and the current log is very similar to the other one...



Edit: Downloaded SAM again, and worked the first time, but after a flight reload, back to the start, not jetway working. tried 2 more times with same result. Logs are attached 



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16 hours ago, Marten@Stairport said:

Please try the attached sam.xml (replace it in the airport folder). I finetuned some values, that should fix it.


Have to keep testing, but 3 consecutive tries with default 737 and zibo, and one of them from runway, and all the jetways worked fine. Just have to try a complete flight. 

Really thank you for the curren fix and the speed.

The door of piaggio hangar, keeps opening as the above image (sam/library/hangar/door40s). but I suppose it's something related to the model.

Thank you again :classic_biggrin:


Edit: Tested after complete flight and working perfectly

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