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LU737 - Keep the faith


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I have no reason to believe as some have suggested that this project is dead. I have no affiliation at all with the devs but I am confident an XP12 update is coming. That said, unlike most XP11 aircraft, the LU737 works quite well in XP12 aside from a couple of issues, which I'm sure the devs are aware of and working on. I am also confident that any perceived time that has passed is most likely due to the devs wanting to see more stability in the base sim, largely to avoid that painful process of chasing betas. Just look at the Zibo, it's a constant moving target and never really seems to settle. The LU737 IMHO for XP11 was a very stable platform. For now however be content with the XP11 version working reasonably well in XP12, aside from:

1) The power curve is off. On the the -700 for example, even fully fueled but at empty weight it will struggle to maintain airspeed above around FL320. LVL CHG works quite well as it happens but you do need to have a high airspeed approaching cruise to allow even a slow and gradual climb to the higher altitudes and it will struggle to stay there. I've read some forums that suggest high N1 settings are required to break wheel friction and taxi. I have experienced this with very heavy aircraft but less so when weights are significantly below MTOW. DECEL with reversers seem fine to me though.

2) On a coupled ILS approach maintaining VREF+5 is also problematic. The A/T will struggle here as the airspeed swings +/- 5 kts either way. VOR LOC and APP work great. You have to be careful when disconnecting A/P and A/T because if the speed oscillation is in the negative direction the aircraft will drop dangerously below the glideslope. To counter this I am taking manual control at over 1000 feet above to give me enough time to stabilise the aircraft. Manual landing is smooth and the aircraft behaves as it should.

3) Wing flex at cruise is too pronounced.

4) Advanced tyre blow out in the EFB config pretty much results in a simulated tyre blow out better than 50% of the time, which I'm pretty sure isn't right. Turning this off fixes it.

Everything else seems fine to me. All switches, dials and displays appear to be doing what they should. The FMC appears to do what I tell it to. My only issue is entering fixes while enroute but I suspect that's just me not doing it right. Whenever I try to establish an interim fix it disconnects LNAV. I'm pretty sure that's down to me. The texturing inside and out is fine and there are no obvious problems with the exterior model or any of the ground services. All doors, air stairs and winglet configs work as they should. Anyway a few observations that hopefully encourage you to keep the faith with this project as I am, I'm sure an update is coming.

Edited by lagrangeaudio
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9 hours ago, lagrangeaudio said:

I have no reason to believe as some have suggested that this project is dead.

I don't think anyone who has seen the video's from Skymatics over the last several months would say that this project isn't dead. I believe most of the issues that you listed on the 737.800 appears to have been address at from what I have observe. The Zibo mod has always been a moving target since it started back in 2016 and I don't see that ever changing as a constant beta. There making change to allow for more flexibility in updating the aircraft so that when Zibo make changes, that would make it possible to change the LU737 was well. Not sure where they are in the scheme of things. I check the discord from time to time on their progress if there is any. 

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