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  • Why should you choose


  • As a customer

    • Modern and navigable store design
    • Products in the store have been screened for quality and follow Threshold standards
    • Customer support chat service directly on store pages for fast store support
    • Engaging and approachable staff who are active community members
    • Comprehensive security to protect and give you control over your data
    • Sale events that don't always follow the traditional path, so you can strike a deal outside the normal discount craze
    • Moderated forums, Facebook Groups, and chat channels on Discord for a community that is dedicated to help and support
  • As a developer

    • Modern and navigable store design
    • Fast update times for your products 
    • Live sales overview through our store solution
    • Staff that are active members of the community 
    • Customer support chat service directly on the store pages for fast store support
    • Staff contact via many channels: mail, on Facebook, through forums and on a dedicated discord server for our developers
    • Forum solution with dedicated developer sub forums for developer support, beta testing groups, and anything else!
  • The premise of the Threshold store is to give equal focus and attention to customers and developers. Let us explain why we think this is the best approach and our thoughts on how to get there. 

    We have a couple of principals we stick by. One of them is that we never demand exclusivity from our developers. Not only because we know that we have a limited customer base because we are still growing, but we are convinced that the developer will lose in the end when tied to one selling platform. This policy will be present no matter how large we grow. We want the best for the developers within this community and we want to stay honest in our advice to them. We do offer exclusivity contracts, but advise against it. 

    People often advise us to get more products into the store and refocus on quantity over quality. Quantity brings the masses and will gain all developers in the store by the increased turnover. While we agree on the mechanics of this philosophy, it puts the customer in second row. While the quality of our products vary we do have a set a certain level of expectations when it comes to quality and, furthermore, reflect differences in the price according to the quality of different products. We have decided to stick with this principal to keep customers in focus. 

    There have been many stores and forums coming and going over the years and none have managed to really offer what we feel is needed for this community: a platform for all areas of the community. With the latest addition of the forums we feel we have a good basis to build on moving into the future. Threshold is working with partners to develop more tools for developers to secure and ease their work considerably. Our effort towards the developers will be a huge benefit for the customers in the end.

    When you buy products from the store you not only support our vision, but the developers earn the income they deserve. The income of the store ensures that we are able to give you the best experience and go-to websites. You are also contributing to the work we are doing to ensure a fair treatment of developers and a platform where developers and customers can meet. 


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