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Featured Downloads

  • American Airlines ToLiss A321 "Mini" Fleet Pack By KJO

    American Airlines mini fleet pack for the ToLiss A321ceo and A321neo Features: N189UW (CFM56, Wing Fences), N507AY (IAE V2500, Wing Fences), N106NN (IAE V2500, Sharklets), N428AA (CFM LEAP, Sharklets) Custom normal maps to recreate American's mica paint effect  Extensive custom decals Note: This livery uses modified assets from Alex Unruh. These assets have been used with permission. Thanks to Alex Unruh, @DhruvK, and @19adam99 for the help! Please leave f
  • PANC - Anchorage Ted Stevens International by Zero Dollar Payware By StableSystem

    Note: V2.0+ is for x-plane 12 only. If you want to use this scenery with x-plane 11 you can download old versions which support x-plane 11 from here.  For those who have issues using the SAM plugin, the wed.xml file is included if you still wish to use the scenery and replace the jetways with something else. We do not plan to release a version without SAM, considering it is still universally used among high quality sceneries and there is no good alternative. If this changes in the future we
  • Toliss A321neo United Airlines first NEO N44501 - UHD 8K and 4K textures By tomcanfly

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    United Airlines "Evo-blue" livery for the Toliss A321neo, as worn by N44501, United's first A321neo to be delivered. - Hand-crafted textures: 8K (XP12 only) or 4K - Custom normal (NML) files to improve shine, reflections and coarseness - New custom wing textures - Support for Carda mod PW 1100G engines If you appreciate my work and wish to give just a small token of appreciation and fund my coffee addiction, please feel free to donate:  https://paypal.me/tomcanfly
  • CFM LEAP 1A Engine Mod By cardajowol

    I Present to you all the CFM LEAP 1A Engine for the FFA320, Toliss A319 and A321  ------------------------------------ Fully Animated Interior/Exterior Reverse's with Custom Particles in icing conditions and reverse thrust particle effects. Installation of this mode is not for the faint of heart'd, if you don't have much experience with mods, please be warned. Read Manual for more information. Paint Kit is available as a separate download, this is only a PS Users ve
  • jardesign a330 Pratt & Whitney 4000-100 for JAR330 By cardajowol

    I Present to you all the PW4000-100 Engine Replacement for the JAR 330   ------------------------------------ Fully Animated Interior/Exterior Reverse's, Engine Flex Animations with Custom Particles and reverse thrust particle effects. Created using the new DDS format for 11.50 - only 1 version of Texture Size - 4K Installation of this mode is not for the faint of hearted, if you don't have much experience with mods, please be warned. Read Manual for more inform
  • Sea2Sky - ZeroDollarPayware - Tokyo Narita International (RJAA) By Sea2Sky

    After 21 months and nearly 800 hours of development, Sea2Sky in cooperation with Zero Dollar Payware are pleased to announce Tokyo Narita International airport V1.0  is officially released! About this project: I initially started this ambitious project knowing absolutely nothing about scenery development. I quickly realized I may have bitten off more than I could chew. Over the first year, many iterations were completed before deciding on a version that fit my liking. Majority of my ti

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