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Featured Downloads

  • American Airlines ToLiss A321 "Mini" Fleet Pack By KJO

    American Airlines mini fleet pack for the ToLiss A321ceo and A321neo Features: N189UW (CFM56, Wing Fences), N507AY (IAE V2500, Wing Fences), N106NN (IAE V2500, Sharklets), N428AA (CFM LEAP, Sharklets) Custom normal maps to recreate American's mica paint effect  Extensive custom decals Note: This livery uses modified assets from Alex Unruh. These assets have been used with permission. Thanks to Alex Unruh, @DhruvK, and @19adam99 for the help! Please leave f
  • Ryanair [PACKAGE] B737-800 LevelUp By Atarium

    Enjoy my Ryanair Package for the LevelUp Boeing 737-800 NG! It contains custom created base textures / hand drawn logos / custom cabin with seats done by @Jviation/ very much love in detail and many things more!  The package contains the following registrations:  Ryanair: EI- ... DAP (Gdynia) / DHS / DLG (Zegnamy LOT) / DLJ (Winglet Stripe) / DLM (Latehansa) / DLO (Bye Bye EasyJet) / EBN (Bremen) / EFE (Comunitat Valenciana) / EFH / EKB (Katowice) / EKK (Fuerteventura) / EMB (Visitazor
  • PWDT&NHAdrian Zlin Z-142 By nhadrian

    PWDT & NHAdrian presents The Zlín Z-142 for X-Plane 11.41+ History: This series of two seat trainer and four seat light aircraft was initially developed to replace the successful Zlin Trener series. The initial Z-42 was developed during the mid-1960s with two seats, side by side. It flew for the first time on the 17th of October, 1967. The improved Zlin Z-42M introduced a constant speed propeller, a larger tail developed for the Zlin Z-43 four-seater and replaced the
  • LSZW – Thun Airfield By mb simulations

    Introduction Thun Airfield in the Bernese Oberland is considered to be one of the most beautiful airfields in Switzerland with its magnificent panorama of the Alps. It is located about 15 miles southeast of Bern, the capital of Switzerland, not far from Lake Thun on the northern edge of the Alps. The site originally served as a military airfield but was decommissioned in 1955 and has since been used as a civilian airfield for light aircraft and gliders. The original military affiliation of t
  • ASK21 B21 - NHAdrian upgrade By nhadrian

    Hi, this is my upgrade for the "B21" version of the Laminar ASK21, with the following changes/addons: all instruments have animated real 3D objects real PBR glass objects for the instruments LCD displays got a backlit option interactive, VR compatible Setup sheet for proper weight and balance configuration lot of PBR overhauling on internal and external textures adjusted viewpoints for both VR and normal use pilot on the back seat is added (3D
  • KMLI - Quad Cities Intl. Airport - JSD By JetSet Designs

    PLEASE READ THE README!!!!!! IT IS REQUIRED JOIN OUR DISCORD FOR UPDATES AND MORE Quad Cities International Airport, otherwise known as KMLI, is a medium sized airport located on the banks of the Mississippi River and the rolling plains of the midwest. It is a hop away from Dulles to Dallas, and many, many private jet operations with Elliott Aviation's headquarters and John Deere's Corporate fleet. - Custom Buildings - Custom Ground Textures (Using ZDP) - Custom Ortho tile wit

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