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Posts posted by OuterMarker

  1. 14 hours ago, Peter Griffin Gaming said:

    Hello, for some reason all aircraft variants of the NG cause a CTD for me right after loading into the sim with them. I tried it by removing all plugins already and the log doesn't give any information at all about a possible culprit, but in the Windows Event Viewer it says the crash is connected to the ntdll.dll which is a core part of the Windows OS. Furthermore, my drivers are all up-to-date and I also updated the C++ redist. Hope it can be somehow resolved...


    Try this:


  2. On 1/2/2022 at 12:56 AM, CharlieWooding said:

    Hi Ryan,

    I’ve since managed to fix my issue, whether yours will be fixed via the same method I’m not sure.


    I did some digging into why Ski effects were causing CTDs with my 737. It turns out that Ski doesn’t like spaces in your directory folders (i.e “D:/X-Plane 11 Simulator). I removed the spaces within the title to reflect the below:

    Root folder:/X-Plane11Simulator

    The next load-in worked perfectly and caused no CTD. Perhaps you could try this and see if it works for you too?



    Yes! I'm now certain that the Windshield effects are the culprit. I was able to load the plane with "X-Plane11", turned the windshield effects off, renamed it back to "X-Plane 11" and it worked just fine. Turning the effects back on then caused an instant CTD. Had this exact issue with the Zibo mod as well.

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