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Posts posted by adenflys

  1. The LevelUp Boeing 737NG is dead.

    Sounds, systems, operations, model, and a much longer list, can consider this project, this shimmer of light of long anticipated improvement, and flying experience for X-Plane, no longer exciting. Worth waiting for. I never would have thought of saying this. But the project is DEAD. I know I might get some hate for this, but it has been a year and a half at the time of this posting. I understand that the developers have other things to do in their personal life, especially since this is a freeware project. This isn't unacceptable, but disappointing. I was really looking forward to an update, maybe an HGS, or maybe a MAX variant of the 737 which I really looked forward too.

    Now with the advancements of PMDG, MSFS, and the announced 2024 version of the simulator. I might as well just move over. I'll get hate, and a lot of disagreement with the posting of this. I understand. But, it's just sad. I would pay if advancements for this aircraft were released. It was nice flying the LevelUp 737 while it was new. But, the plane is just not right in the current state that it is in.

    - powerstall

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  2. Hello everyone, lately I have been flying flight on the 737-700 from Burbank to San Jose or basically anywhere else with any other 737 variant. For the past week I've been looking at the old Zibo forums to see if there is any answer to my problem. Currently all my failures are fixed. But, at around 20000-26000ft both engines fail and I cant seem to restart them mid flight. I tried reinstalling the files twice and still no luck. Can someone help me. This is very frustrating.

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