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AugustaWestland AW139 (XRotors)

1 file

  1. X-Rotors AW139 CHC Helicopter pack

    Includes 12 CHC Helicopter liveries for the X-Rotors AW139.
    - Tail and fuselage textures have been hand-painted with reference to real life photographs.
    - G-SNSI is painted in the new CHC Scotia livery. The aircraft operates from bases in Norwich (EGSH) and Humberside (EGNJ) to the Southern North Sea (SNS).
    - G-FTOM is painted in the old CHC Scotia livery. The aircraft operated from bases in Aberdeen (EGPD) to the Central North Sea (CNS), and from Norwich (EGSH) and Humberside (EGNJ) to the Southern North Sea (SNS). 
    - PH-EUE is painted in the new CHC Netherlands livery. The aircraft operates from De Kooy-Den Helder (EHKD) to the Southern North Sea (SNS).
    - PH-SHK is painted in a CHC Netherlands hybrid livery. The aircraft operates from De Kooy-Den Helder (EHKD) to the Southern North Sea (SNS).
    - PH-EUD is painted in both a CHC Netherlands hybrid livery and a Bel Air hybrid livery. The aircraft operates from De Kooy-Den Helder (EHKD) to the Southern North Sea (SNS).
    - OY-HLC is painted in a Bel Air hybrid livery. Bel Air was a Danish offshore helicopter company that operated from Esbjerg (EKEB) to the Southern North Sea (SNS).
    - VH-WOE is painted in the CHC Australia livery. The aircraft operated from Karratha airport (YPKA) to the North West Shelf (NWS).
    - PR-BGY is painted in the CHC Brazil livery. The aircraft operates from Cabo Frio (SBCB) but has operated from bases in Rio de Janeiro-Jacarepagua (SBJR), Campos (SBCP), and even Ciudad del Carmen (MMCE) for operations in the Gulf of Mexico.
    - 5N-BJD is painted in the CHC Nigeria livery. The aircraft operated from Lagos/Murtala Muhammed International (DNMM) to the Niger Delta Basin (NDB). 
    - 5N-BQA is painted in a Atlantic Aviation hybrid livery. The aircraft operated from Lagos/Murtala Muhammed International (DNMM) to the Niger Delta Basin (NDB). 
    - 5N-BVQ is painted in a Tropical Arctic Logistics hybrid livery. The aircraft operated from Lagos/Murtala Muhammed International (DNMM) to the Niger Delta Basin (NDB). 
    Drag and drop the livery of your choice into the "Liveries" folder of your AW139 installation.
    Let me know if there are any issues or inaccuracies that need to be addressed.

    1 download

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