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Everything posted by BiologicalNanobot

  1. Hi, This is the first time I'm hearing such a bug report. Do you have any Lua scripts or something else that might be interfering? I would recommend removing add-ons one by one to find the culprit.
  2. Hi, I wouldn't have much hopes about X-Plane 12 compatibility. I believe Laminar Research wants to remove Modern3D rendering callback, preventing custom rendering. If long-term compatibility is important for you, I would not recommend purchasing ES. With that being said, I don't think you will need EC/ES in X-Plane 12 anyway.
  3. Hi, I am sorry for not responding, I mainly use my Discord server for support and therefore I ended up forgetting to check Threshold forum for a while. Again so sorry for the inconvenience.
  4. Hi, I think this is because you don't have Global Static Depiction mode enabled in ASXP, which you can find in Simulator Depiction Options submenu of ASXP options. Enhanced Skyscapes currently draws clouds globally so it causes such weird transitions when ASXP is injecting non-global weather.
  5. Hi, GTX 970 is pretty much below the minimum system requirements, so I wouldn't have much hopes. With that being said, I'd recommend trying both. Enhanced Skyscapes demo can be reused as many times as you want, and Enhanced Cloudscpaes is free.
  6. Could you look at your Lua scripts? Usually Lua scripts are the culprit in this case. While X-Plane's projection matrix will cause precision issues enough to break the sky, it shouldn't happen below very very high altitudes, and definitely not 8000 feet.
  7. Hi, I wish you had tried the demo in such cases, as its aim is to determine performance impact on one's system. There are several community presets for better performance, which you can find in the Discord server. If Discord isn't your thing, you can look at the documentation which explains performance-critical parameters in the settings.txt (skip_fragments, maximum_drawing_distance and resolution_ratio) and modify them for your liking. Performance impact inside cloud layers and / or multiple layers are expected as this is the time where virtual rays has to traverse the longest distance, hence increasing the performance impact.
  8. Hi, I am aware of the harsh visibility cutoff and the upcoming update will fix that.
  9. Hi, This is the first time I've seen this issue. Are you using any add-ons that modify DSF clip distance? Could you try removing your visual add-ons one by one?
  10. Hi, I agree that this behavior is unrealistic, but currently there is nothing can be done to fix this behavior as it is a limitation of default X-Plane weather APIs and the information they give. I am working on integrations with other weather engines like ASXP and FSGRW which will help to address this behavior in the future. I am sorry for the inconvenience, this is one of the main limitations of ES.
  11. You might have an add-on like FlyAgi Tweak Utility which saves the state of datarefs. As ES modifies some datarefs, its effects might stand with such add-ons. Try removing / resetting such add-ons.
  12. This is an artifact caused by limited sampling rate, I have had mentioned that in the documentation, in the limitations section.
  13. Hi, the sky color brightness is that way to match X-Plane's dark envrionment, so that when ReShade is applied (like many uses do) sky colors won't get blown out.
  14. Hi, you will receive the updates through email. In the downloaded zip file there is a file called Enhanced Skyscapes Changelog.txt, which mentions what has changed. I also post the changes in my Discord server.
  15. Hi, are you sure that you used the beta driver? If the beta driver doesn't help either, I would recommend requesting a refund through the chat bubble in Threshold store. I am really sorry for the inconvenience.
  16. Hi, it is not compatible with other sky color mods as it completely overrides X-Plane's default sky system with its custom shader-based system. Therefore you will not be able to see a difference even if you install different sky colors.
  17. Are you an AMD GPU user? This is caused by a driver bug, you might want to update to the latest beta driver version.
  18. While it is officially not compatible, you might do fine by just unticking fog & scattering option.
  19. Hi, as mentioned in the store page, the product does not support VR. You might want to request a refund if you purchased the add-on.
  20. Hi, from the description, it looks like you are using an AMD GPU. Some AMD driver versions are known to have this issue, could you update to latest beta driver for your GPU?
  21. Hi, I am still working on cloud shapes as well. Sadly there isn't much to do as I have very little control on volumetric cloud shapes, but I will do my best.
  22. Anyone who purchased the add-on thinking there was VR support, you can request a refund on Threshold Store using the chat bubble!
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