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Military and Special

2 files

  1. MiG 29

    The Mikoyan MiG-29 (Russian: Микоян МиГ-29; NATO reporting name: Fulcrum) is a twin-engine jet fighter aircraft designed in the Soviet Union. Developed by the Mikoyan design bureau as an air superiority fighter during the 1970s, the MiG-29, along with the larger Sukhoi Su-27, was developed to counter new U.S. fighters such as the McDonnell Douglas F-15 Eagle and the General Dynamics F-16 Fighting Falcon. The MiG-29 entered service with the Soviet Air Forces in 1982.
    While originally oriented towards combat against any enemy aircraft, many MiG-29s have been furnished as multirole fighters capable of performing a number of different operations, and are commonly outfitted to use a range of air-to-surface armaments and precision munitions. The MiG-29 has been manufactured in several major variants, including the multirole Mikoyan MiG-29M and the navalised Mikoyan MiG-29K; the most advanced member of the family to date is the Mikoyan MiG-35. Later models frequently feature improved engines, glass cockpits with HOTAS-compatible flight controls, modern radar and infrared search and track (IRST) sensors, and considerably increased fuel capacity; some aircraft have also been equipped for aerial refueling.
    Following the dissolution of the Soviet Union, the militaries of a number of former Soviet republics have continued to operate the MiG-29, the largest of which is the Russian Air Force. The Russian Air Force wanted to upgrade its existing fleet to the modernised MiG-29SMT configuration, but financial difficulties have limited deliveries. The MiG-29 has also been a popular export aircraft; more than 30 nations either operate or have operated the aircraft to date. As of 2013 the MiG-29 was still in production by Mikoyan, a subsidiary of United Aircraft Corporation (UAC) since 2006.

    It's plane is free, it was my first plane ( 2016 ) for x-plane, the start of a great adventure.
    This model is a major update. The texture is 4K.



       (0 reviews)



  2. Super Etendard Modernisé, SEM

    Following a request from a SEM fan, (He will recognize himself, I'm sure).
    I adapted, with the authorization of the FSX SEM authors, The SEM for x-plane 11.
    It is a 3d model, with now a quality 1K texture.
    The 1k texture is converted to 4K, but I have to improve these textures soon to make real 4K, also PBR.
    The plane is therefore not finished, it is a first raw model.
    There will be automatisms with lua files.
    I still have to model the 3D cockpit and several improvements.
    The plane is fully animated and VR in version 3d cockpit.
    Good flight
    thank infinitely , for the 3d model of FSX, and texture 1k
    Frank Safranek
    for giving me permission to transform the FSX model into an x-plane model 11
    . The creators FSX are:
    Romain Lucas
    Laurent Lucas
    Eric Marciano
    Frank Safranek


       (2 reviews)



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