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South America

4 files

  1. TNCB Scenery pack XP12 only

    This is XP default gateway scenery of TNCB Bonaire, Sint Eustatius and Saba from 2019. 
    I have cleaned up excessive nodes, objects and merged aprons, taxiways, and linemarkings.
    Because I converted all art assets to XP12, this scenery WILL NOT work in XP11 or older. There is NO backwards compability.  This edit has saved me VRAM as well increased the FPS.
    I run my XP12 with moderate graphic settings with a NVIDIA 3080 card. My vegetation and objects settings are also set to medium. 
    The purpose of this edit is to save VRAM and increase FPS and making the default scenerys more FPS friendly.
    Validated in WED 2.5.2 without any errors. In Cessna at gate I get whopping 150FPS(!) see image.
    If you like this edit then please give a thumbs up. If you encounter any problem then please give feedback.
    This airport was edited by using Bing maps, ESRI slippymaps and Jepessen Charts.
    This airport will be submitted for evaluation on gateway.x-plane.com 
    Disclaimer-Copyrights GPL and stuff.txt


       (0 reviews)



  2. TNCA Scenery pack XP12 only

    This is XP default gateway scenery of TNCA Reina Beatrix Intl, Aruba from 2019. 
    I have cleaned up excessive nodes, objects and merged aprons, taxiways, and linemarkings.
    Because I converted all art assets to XP12, this scenery WILL NOT work in XP11 or older. There is NO backwards compability.  This edit has saved me VRAM as well increased the FPS.
    I run my XP12 with moderate graphic settings with a NVIDIA 3080 card. My vegetation and objects settings are also set to medium. 
    The purpose of this edit is to save VRAM and increase FPS and making the default scenerys more FPS friendly.
    Validated in WED 2.5.2 without any errors. In Cessna at gate I get whopping 130FPS(!) see image.
    If you like this edit then please give a thumbs up. If you encounter any problem then please give feedback.
    This airport was edited by using Bing maps, ESRI slippymaps and Jepessen Charts. This airport will be submitted for evaluation and approval on gateway.x-plane.com 
    Disclaimer-Copyrights GPL and stuff.txt


       (0 reviews)



  3. MHTG Scenery pack XP12 only

    This is XP default gateway scenery of MHTG Tegucigalpa Toncontin Intl, Honduras from 2020.
    The RNAV runway 02 is one of the most difficult approaches in the world.
    I have cleaned up most of the airport excessive nodes and objects, merged taxiways and draped polygons. 
    Because I also removed Airport boundary this scenery WILL NOT work in XP11 or older. There is NO backwards compability. The reason is that in XP12 the airport area are defined in the new mesh classification and therefore does not need any airport boundary or exclusion zones. This edit has saved me VRAM as well increased the FPS.
    I run my XP12 with moderate graphic settings with a NVIDIA 3080 card. My vegetation settings are also set to medium. 
    Validated in WED 2.5.2 without any errors.
    In my Zibo mod at gate, I get 60FPS and on outside view 65FPS.
    If you like this edit then please give a thumbs up. If you encounter any problem then please give feedback.
    Disclaimer-Copyrights and stuff.txt


       (0 reviews)



  4. SKMR- Los Garzones Monteria

    - Photoreal 
    - High quality Airport 
    - 3D People 
    - Volumetric grass 
    - WET Ground textures
    - And much more

    Info: El Aeropuerto Los Garzones está ubicado a 10 km del centro de la ciudad de Montería, Córdoba (Colombia). A él prestan servicio comercial nacional las aerolíneas Avianca, LATAM Colombia, Viva Colombia; y EasyFly.
    If you like our work, Donations are 100% optional, but greatly appreciated.
    06901539292 BANCOLOMBIA 
    Requires the following files:
    -Ales Developer Library
    -CDB Library
    -MisterX Library
    -3D People library
    -Puf libs
    All rights reserved Condor Designs
    Condor Designs
    - Daniel Muñoz
    - Camilo Rojas
    - Juan Serna
    Agradecimiento especial a 
    - Samuel Bohórquez
    - Mike Guihur


       (1 review)



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