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Beechcraft King Air 350 (Airfoillabs)

6 files

  1. AirfoilLabs King Air 350 Northern Thunderbird Air C-FNTA

    Hello everyone, here is C-FNTA painted for the wonderful King Air 350 by AirfoilLabs AS OF ITS STATE IN LATE 2020. C-FNTA is a medevac aircraft used by Northern Thunderbird Air around  British Columbia, mainly northern BC but it can be seen down south often too.
    Hope you all enjoy, and happy flying.

    Known Issue
    The Red is brighter than the real plane in its current state, when I painted this aircraft the red was more like what I have on it, however, now the paint has turned to a washed out purple kinda colour and because I lost the paintkit I had made for the plane I will not be fixing that. Therefore, this plane is painted in it's state from 2020.


       (0 reviews)



  2. Airfoillabs King Air 350 Interior Pack

    It is higly recommended that you get the black panel (it is in the picture but it's not part of the download)
    FMC Version
    GPS Version
    Possbily coming up in the future
        1) Cockpit refurbishments - removal of scratches (mainly on avionics, I fly a 35 year old aeroplane and it doens't look even remotely as beaten up as this)
        2) Clean cabin windows
        3) Ebony wood trim (kinda hard to get a proper texture + annoying to aply it)
        Several colour and decor combinations
        Added leather texture and normal maps to seats
       A) I want just one version of the cockpit + interior
        1) I want it just for one livery - open the folder and place the objects folder into the King Air 350/Liveries/livery
        2) I want it for all liveries - open the folder and place the objects folder into King Air 350/objects
       B) I want more versions of the cockpit
        1) I want them for all liveries - Make a copy of the entire King Air 350 folder and do the step A)2) for each one of them (each time with different cockpit version)
        2) I want them just for some liveries - open the folder and place the objects folder into the King Air 350/Liveries/livery
        3) I want something different (such as 2 version for one livery and another for all the others) - either you know how to do that or ask me as I can't cover all the options
    If you come across any issues, don't like something in particular, want something changed, added or want to have different registration write me on forum.x-plane.org, Threshold forum or put it in the comments.
    If you like my work, you can buy me a beer https://www.paypal.me/zenonstarcuk


       (1 review)



  3. Airfoillabs King Air 350 GPS Black Panel

    This is a black panel for the new GPS variant of the King Air 350. It is not compatible with the non-GPS variant as there are already black panels for that version.
    Check out my custom interiors as well
        1) I want black panel just for one livery - open the folder and place all .png files into King Air 350/Liveries/livery/objects
        2) I want it for all liveries - open the folder and place all .png files into King Air 350/objects
    If you come across any issues, don't like something in particular, want something changed, added, etc. write me on forum.x-plane.org or put it in the comments.
    If you like my work, you can buy me a beer https://www.paypal.me/zenonstarcuk


       (0 reviews)



  4. Airfoillabs King Air 350 "3 stripe" livery

    Check out my custom interiors and black panel (GPS Variant)
    These are replicas of 2 King Air 350 liveries for the Airfoillabs King Air 350
    If you know any other liveries using this scheme but different colours and want to see them made don't hesiate and send me a message.   
    Unzip the downloaded .zip file and copy the folder to the livery folder of your AFL King Air 350.
    If you come across any issues, don't like something in particular, want something changed, added or want to have
    different registration write me on forum.x-plane.org or put it in the comments.
    If you like my work, you can buy me a beer https://www.paypal.me/zenonstarcuk


       (0 reviews)

    1 comment


  5. Airfoillabs King Air 350 "House livery 1" pack

    Check out my custom interiors and black panel (GPS Variant)
    These are mostly fictional liveries based on one of Beechcrafts "house" designs. Althoug it may seem like a simple recolour of the default livery they has been designed from scratch.
    All of them are available as version with registrations and a blank livery onto which you can add your own one. OK-RXP also has my personal variant.
    If you'd like some different colour combination don't hesitate to ask me.
    Unzip the downloaded .zip file and copy the folder to the livery folder of your AFL King Air 350.
    If you come across any issues, don't like something in particular, want something changed, added or want to have
    different registration write me on forum.x-plane.org or put it in the comments.
    If you like my work, you can buy me a beer https://www.paypal.me/zenonstarcuk


       (1 review)

    1 comment


  6. Airfoillabs King Air 350 - Scandinavian Air Ambulance

    Scandinavian Air Ambulance SE-KFP
    If you enjoy my work you can support me by sending a coin or beer to: http://paypal.me/DanielMartinsson
    This is a Scandinavian Air Ambulance livery created for the Airfoillabs King Air 350
    Paste the entire folder to: \X-Plane 11\Aircraft\Airfoillabs\King Air 350\liveries
    If you have problem, ideas or suggestions, please contact me at: daniel@xdc.se
    All of the brands, colors and names used in this package belong to the respective owner. 
    This product is originaly uploaded to the thresholdx.net forum. Uploading this package to any other site without the authors permission is prohibited
    Version 1.0
    2019-12-29 - Released 


       (1 review)



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