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Everything posted by samy_k97

  1. Hi, This is something that we've been getting feedback on as Thrust and Flight Modeling isn't acting correctly. We will try to amend this to a reasonable level within future updates Thank you for your feedback
  2. Hi, When engaging the Autopilot, you need to make sure that you have the aircraft trimmed (It means no pressure to the yoke) to able to engage it. If you are continuing to have difficulties then I recommend for you to go to "Configure & Customise" -> "Realism" -> "AP Yoke Neutral TOL." to "Simply". This will simplify engaging the Autopilot
  3. Hi, This will probably done in the future since we are prioritizing usability issues and easy fixes. When this all comes down we will revisit this
  4. Keep in mind the -600 IRL doesn't have any of the modern winglets. Only the rest of the lineup
  5. Hi, I'm still a bit confused. Regardless of A/T, Do you have the plane trimmed (It means no pressure on the yoke) for what the Flight Director says? This is pretty vague I'm having difficulty trying to understand this. Is the FMC working and you can execute the Flightplan and the "Perf Init"? Or are you having difficulties engaging "LNAV"? If you are seeing this on departure then your first waypoint is not within 5 degrees from the runway heading. You would need to engage LNAV after departure. If you are seeing this while on the middle of the air. Then you'll most likely need to make a direct then engage LNAV If you have any more problems I suggest you record or make a screenshot in order for me to comprehend your problem better.
  6. Hi, Could you please add a screenshot regarding the effects of those missing LIT files?
  7. Hi, IIRC, I believe the CG page is from the -800 for now. We will try to make a right CG page and If possible give the right weight configuration Thank you for your feedback.
  8. Hi, This is a known issue and will be resolved on the next Update
  9. Hi, Could you please turn off or add an exclusion for X-Plane on your Anti-Virus? Then reinstall the aircraft.
  10. Thank you both for your feedback, I've managed to replicate both issues and will report this to the team
  11. Hi can you follow a few of these instructions: 1. Install the "737NG Series" on the "X-Plane 11\Aircraft" folder. And Not on the "Laminar Research" folder or "Extra Aircraft" folder. 2. Make sure you have the latest C++ Redistribution. https://aka.ms/vs/17/release/vc_redist.x64.exe 3. Make sure you have the latest drivers for you Graphics Card. 4. Make sure you don't have xLUA in your "X-Plane 11\Resources\plugins" folder 5. Validate on Steam or run the Installer to check on missing or broken files 6. Turn off or add an exclusion folder on your Anti-Virus Make a detailed post on including Aircraft Type, Issue and Description and a Log.txt Tell us everything you've done to try to resolve it on your own. Follow the steps above and tell us you did them, each one of them.
  12. Hi, Could you please follow theses instructions: 1. Install the "737NG Series" on the "X-Plane 11\Aircraft" folder. And Not on the "Laminar Research" folder or "Extra Aircraft" folder. 2. Make sure you have the latest C++ Redistribution. https://aka.ms/vs/17/release/vc_redist.x64.exe 3. Make sure you have the latest drivers for you Graphics Card. 4. Make sure you don't have xLUA in your "X-Plane 11\Resources\plugins" folder 5. Validate on Steam or run the Installer to check on missing or broken files 6. Turn off or add an exclusion folder on your Anti-Virus Make a detailed post on including Aircraft Type, Issue and Description and a Log.txt Tell us everything you've done to try to resolve it on your own. Follow the steps above and tell us you did them, each one of them. There are a few errors I'm seeing on your Log. So please remove every plugin and also move your scenery to a different folder making your Custom Scenery folder empty then give me a new Log
  13. If you want to make the Wing Views out of the aircraft then I recommend to open the door then assign it by Ctrl+Numpad number.
  14. Hi, I would prefer that you speak in English as I'm not a native Spanish speaker. But from I can gather from this is that we are focusing on making the aircraft more useful and less buggy. If needed we will try to assess "Opencockpits" when we manage to address a lot of issues that compromises a lot users. We will take your feedback and will see what we can do in the future
  15. Hi, Well I learned a new word today. We've been getting feedback regarding Thrust and Flight Modelling not acting correctly. We are actively looking towards this and will see if we can improve this a lot.
  16. Hi, could you please provide a Log.txt and Tell me which Linux Distro are you using?
  17. Hi, I'm currently alternating between helping on Discord and on the Forums. I've managed to replicate your issue and will send this to the team. Thank you
  18. Hi, This doesn't seem to be right. I have a weaker setup and can reach 25 FPS on high density locations. And above 30 FPS when not. Could you please follow these instructions please: 1. Install the "737NG Series" on the "X-Plane 11\Aircraft" folder. And Not on the "Laminar Research" folder or "Extra Aircraft" folder. 2. Make sure you have the latest C++ Redistribution. https://aka.ms/vs/17/release/vc_redist.x64.exe 3. Make sure you have the latest drivers for you Graphics Card. 4. Make sure you don't have xLUA in your "X-Plane 11\Resources\plugins" folder 5. Validate on Steam or run the Installer to check on missing or broken files 6. Turn off or add an exclusion folder on your Anti-Virus Make a detailed post on including Aircraft Type, Issue and Description and a Log.txt Tell us everything you've done to try to resolve it on your own. Follow the steps above and tell us you did them, each one of them.
  19. Hi, Could you please tell me which Airport and runway where this happened? And could you please follow theses instructions: 1. Install the "737NG Series" on the "X-Plane 11\Aircraft" folder. And Not on the "Laminar Research" folder or "Extra Aircraft" folder. 2. Make sure you have the latest C++ Redistribution. https://aka.ms/vs/17/release/vc_redist.x64.exe 3. Make sure you have the latest drivers for you Graphics Card. 4. Make sure you don't have xLUA in your "X-Plane 11\Resources\plugins" folder 5. Validate on Steam or run the Installer to check on missing or broken files 6. Turn off or add an exclusion folder on your Anti-Virus Make a detailed post on including Aircraft Type, Issue and Description and a Log.txt Tell us everything you've done to try to resolve it on your own. Follow the steps above and tell us you did them, each one of them. Also post the Log.txt after encountering this problem again
  20. Thanks for the feedback. I was a just about this as I just recently found out now
  21. Hi, Currently there are some issues with the Flight Model. We are receiving feedback and will try to address some of these in the future
  22. Hi, To anyone who has a problem could you please follow these instructions: 1. Install the "737NG Series" on the "X-Plane 11\Aircraft" folder. And Not on the "Laminar Research" folder or "Extra Aircraft" folder. 2. Make sure you have the latest C++ Redistribution. https://aka.ms/vs/17/release/vc_redist.x64.exe 3. Make sure you have the latest drivers for you Graphics Card. 4. Make sure you don't have xLUA in your "X-Plane 11\Resources\plugins" folder 5. Validate on Steam or run the Installer to check on missing or broken files 6. Turn off or add an exclusion folder on your Anti-Virus Make a detailed post on including Aircraft Type, Issue and Description and a Log.txt Tell us everything you've done to try to resolve it on your own. Follow the steps above and tell us you did them, each one of them.
  23. Hi, Try to use https://imgur.com to at least give me screenshot of your problem.
  24. Hi, Have you connected to the Ground Power? If so could you please follow these instructions: 1. Install the "737NG Series" on the "X-Plane 11\Aircraft" folder. And Not on the "Laminar Research" folder or "Extra Aircraft" folder. 2. Make sure you have the latest C++ Redistribution. https://aka.ms/vs/17/release/vc_redist.x64.exe 3. Make sure you have the latest drivers for you Graphics Card. 4. Make sure you don't have xLUA in your "X-Plane 11\Resources\plugins" folder 5. Validate on Steam or run the Installer to check on missing or broken files 6. Turn off or add an exclusion folder on your Anti-Virus Make a detailed post on including Aircraft Type, Issue and Description and a Log.txt Tell us everything you've done to try to resolve it on your own. Follow the steps above and tell us you did them, each one of them.
  25. Hi, Could you please follow these instructions please: 1. Install the "737NG Series" on the "X-Plane 11\Aircraft" folder. And Not on the "Laminar Research" folder or "Extra Aircraft" folder. 2. Make sure you have the latest C++ Redistribution. https://aka.ms/vs/17/release/vc_redist.x64.exe 3. Make sure you have the latest drivers for you Graphics Card. 4. Make sure you don't have xLUA in your "X-Plane 11\Resources\plugins" folder 5. Validate on Steam or run the Installer to check on missing or broken files 6. Turn off or add an exclusion folder on your Anti-Virus Make a detailed post on including Aircraft Type, Issue and Description and a Log.txt Tell us everything you've done to try to resolve it on your own. Follow the steps above and tell us you did them, each one of them.
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