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Everything posted by stehul

  1. Is it possible to have the HUD view as full screen in LevelUp 737 as it is in the Zibo mod / Default 738? I know it's not realistic but I kinda like it. I cant find any settings for this in the pad, but maybe I have missed something. Or is it possible to manually change some config file to have the HUD in full screen without the cockpit?
  2. I have tested more during the day. And now I can say 100% sure that this bug(?) only is when I am flying on a flightplan created in Navigraph Charts and flying it with Zibo/Levelup. I just created some flightplans witn Online Flight Planner and both Zibo and Levelup can fly them without any strange behavior.
  3. I could reproduce the exact behavior with the latest Zibo mod (3.51.19). Just after waypoint GELDA the aircraft starts to turn heading 295 instead of going to NILUG. I have attached the flightplan I used as a txt file if that may be helpful. And as I said earlier, the default 737-800 follows the flight plan as it should. I dont know where to find older Zibo versions to test with. It seems like its not possible to access Zibos Google drive any more. And on the Zibo updater page I just find the latest versions. But I can try the flight with the 737-700 Ultimate too:. I am sure it will follow the flight plan. LROPESSA.txt
  4. I will try now with the latest Zibo and let you know in a couple of hours! At least it is 100% reproduceable with the Levelup 737.
  5. I have now tested the same flight with the default 737-800 and everything is working. So I guess this is a (kinda new) bug in the Zibo mod which is also in the Levelup 737NG.
  6. Sorry for maybe bad english. I have noticed a strange behaviour when I am flying on LNAV with the Levelup 737NG. Without explanation the aircraft diverges from the LNAV path. For example this morning I flew LROP to ESSA with the Levelup 737-700. The flight went well until the aircraft just changed heading from the LNAV path. I created the flight plan in Navigraph Charts and I am using the latest AIRAC cycle. Can this be some sort of bug? When I am thinking more of this I noticed the same bug(?) in the latest version of the Zibo mod. The LNAV lamp is still enabled when this occurs. I will now try the same flight with the same flightplan in the default 737 and see if the same happens....
    Thanks for this fantastic livery! Btw, the Sports Illustrated livery would be wonderful to have for the LevelUp 737NG too....
  7. I had the same problem. See the last post here how I fixed it :
  8. I am answering myself. I solved this by editing the 737*.acf files manually with the values I wanted. Because when I changed the vanish_y from the tab the files werent affected. P acf/_cockpit_planned_vanish_y/0 595.0 P acf/_cockpit_planned_vanish_y/1 510.0 P acf/_cockpit_planned_vanish_y/2 510.0 P acf/_cockpit_planned_vanish_y/3 510.0 P acf/_cockpit_planned_vanish_y/4 510.0 P acf/_cockpit_planned_vanish_y/5 510.0 P acf/_cockpit_planned_vanish_y/6 510.0 P acf/_cockpit_planned_vanish_y/7 510.0 P acf/_cockpit_planned_vanish_y/8 655.0 P acf/_cockpit_planned_vanish_y/count 9 So now I have the default view I want.
  9. I have also problems with the default view. In Zibo I fixed this by changing the vanish_y value to 595. I did the same change in Levelup, saved and restarted XP11. But still the default view looks like this : (I would like to see full left site cockpit, like in the default 737-800 as the standard view.)
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