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Posts posted by domae001

  1. I purchased XE maybe two (or three) years ago and do regret it a bit. I am excited by its potential, which is far greater than that of any other XP weather/environment addon. But the development is so slow that every time a new version finally comes out it is already outdated because of XP updates or riddled with some kind of new problems that will only be solved months down the dev road. Look at how long 1.14 has been in the making for instance. I have been very patient hoping that some day XE will shine in all its potential on my machine, but now I've given up.

  2. 22 hours ago, Captain Kitten said:

    1.14 has nothing to do with x-plane 11.50. None at all. And it is the main performance update. I do mention this in just about every status update of xEnviro so do have a read in those.. I might have to post them elsewhere in the future. People seem to not read them at all..

    Why so sensitive? I have been reading every single post. You were speaking about "pushing xEnviro further" because of the performance gains. And that's not what you should do in my opinion. Because I read it as "we spent coding time to get performance gains and then we'll feature creep them away". For me, that wouldnt be acceptable as 1.13 tanks my GPU too hard and I need much better performance to consider running XE. If you stay with the original plan and truly put performance first, pls go ahead! (In the past, however, there were updates in which you did indeed trade initial performance gains for new features, that's why I'm very cautios when you suddenly speak of "pushing further".)

    I also never implied that XE1.14 had anything to do with XP11.50. I was merely suggesting that it would be a good coincidence from a customer perspective if XE1.14 released close to XP11.50 becoming final because many customers will then update and reevaluate their weather/atmosphere addons. A new , shiny, well-performing version of XE releasing in that timeframe certainly wouldn't be bad business. But it's your business to run, so do as you see fit...

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  3. 13 hours ago, Captain Kitten said:

    This is what many people seem to get wrong:
    xEnviro isn't benefiting from Vulkan. Your computer is the factor that benefits from Vulkan. So if your system isn't benefiting from Vulkan, then you won't be able to enjoy xE any more than you do in OpenGL. But most people do see a gain, and that way we can take that in to account and push xEnviro further than we can do in OpenGL. 

    Pls dont push too much. For me, XE always tanked my GPU frametimes (GTX 1070 until new cards from Nvidia and AMD release), while Vulkan is supposed to free up some CPU time. The free CPU time will allow me to run my world objects slider a notch higher, I hope. But if XE makes my GPU take all those frames away, there is next to no benefit for me. Btw: I do hope you're aiming for a release of 1.14 close to the end of XP 11.50 beta. That way people could enjoy a "new"ish Xplane 11,5. 

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  4. Congrats on the release!

    Although I always loved how the program rendered sky and atmosphere, I never really used XE 1.10+1.11 because I found the grain to be too unpleasant to look at. This release is a huge improvement in visuals while performance seems to have stayed the same compared to 1.11. Great achievement! I will try, looking forward to trying this in different weather situations.

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  5. 14 hours ago, Captain Kitten said:

    We might decide to bite the apple and release this with one or two items still open.

    My advice would be to make this version as perfect as you can. The main criticism towards XE has been "Why didnt they fix 1.09 before they reinvent the wheel?" I am afraid that if you will release this version with major let's call them "flaws" then you'd face a very dissatisfied crowd that wouldnt see the point in waiting a very long time only to go from one version with major flaws to another one with different flaws. And these people will certainly try to (and will probably succeed in) badmouthing the entire product. Of course bug-free software doesnt exist and there will always be features to add, but 1.10 should be solid as far as included features goes just to avoid all the negativity that unfortunately is surrounding the product. So take your time, a couple of months more wont make a difference at this point.

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  6. I think you should never buy a product for its "future", because that is by definition always still-to-come and thus inherently uncertain. If you buy XE now, you should buy it bc you like what 1.09s offers. If you dont like it, dont buy and wait until they release 1.10. Then reconsider. Again it's the same with an iPhone: I don't buy it because I hope iOS 14 (or whatever number they're at) will provide some groundbreaking features some time in the future, but I like what the current mix of hardware and software offers. If they improve upon that in the future at no cost: great. If they don't: still good.

    If you dont want to wait an indefinite amount of time and want to purchase ASXP in the meantime, that's up to you. It's a gamble on your part. But just imagine if XE devs said: 1.10 releases on May 1st - give or take a week. You dont purchase ASXP, bc 5/1 is soon enough for you. Then they encounter some nasty bugs in the remaining beta which takes them a lot of time to fix. In the meantime, XP 11.40 releases and breaks some XE code. More dev time needs to go into the release and instead of May 1st, the release gets pushed back to say September 1st. Then there'd be a lot of dissapointed customers saying: You promised May 1st, that's why I didnt purchase another product and now I have nothing at all and it's your fault! And those customers would be right: If you cannot say for certain that you will have a product out by a specific date, dont promise anything and dont tease it, because that will affect what people purchase. Ever since moving the XE forum to Threshold I find communication to be very clear in that regard: They are very clear about what the state of the beta is, but they dont promise anything that they simple can't and shouldn't promise.

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  7. 2 hours ago, mmtyurin said:

    and as the owner of a legal copy I have the right to know about all its characteristics, including the date of the upcoming update

    Well no. If you own an iPhone for instance you are certainly not entitled to know about all its hardware and software characteristics. Those are partly highly guarded company secrets. Also good luck in trying to ask Apple how many beta versions of their new iOS they will produce and when they will release it.


    Beta means the software is still in an experimental phase: How long that takes and how many beta versions they need to do is up to how the experiments run. By the very nature of the experiment it cannot be known how long that will take and giving out a date would be a random guess at best. Which in turn would only make people mad when it doesnt work out. Think of the last XP11.31+2 beta: They thought it would be a short beta with few bug fixes but they found out about a lot seemingly random bugs and crashes, some of which they still cannot track down properly. After a long beta run they decided to release 11.32 as stable, but they could as well have extended the beta run by a couple of more versions. Most importantly there was no way for them to know that all these tiny problems would surface in the beta run.

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  8. 1 hour ago, AshenOne said:

    That is why I pointed several times at the evening winter sky on a clear day, that on these screenshots and shown.

    But even on clear winter days the sky does look vastly different! Even in the two pictures that you posted, the sky is not the same - far from it actually. The first one looks a bit washed out with light blue tones and a wide range of red and yellow colours. The second one is very saturated, a deeper blue, a distinct pinkish tone, very narrow transition between blue and pink. I cannot see the same sky there. (And of course we would need to talk about cameras, monitors and stuff, but you already know about that and don't want to hear about it again, which is fair, it still is very relevant though.)

  9. Before I got into flightsimming I would never have imagined how upset people could get over the colours of the sky...

    I look at the evening sky every day from my home office window and I have seen so many different skies that I wouldn't dare declare one of them "THE" exact evening sky. How much it changes from one day to the other is rather impressive and most likely very difficult to recreate in a PC simulation environment. Just my 2 cents.

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