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AutoATC 0.8.7 Beta


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Just a quick progress report of the 0.8.7 Beta update, and a place to discuss any issues.

Android companion applications for 0.8.7 rolled out last weekend and now seem stable. If you spot a layout issue, please post a screenshot so I know where to look to fix it. There were a lot of layout issues in landscape mode which are hopefully fixed now, but I may not of caught all of them.

An updated plugin is ready, just needs some more testing against the new AI Server to make sure nothing is badly broken there when I make the switch.

new AI server is now completing its unit tests - not passing all of them, but at least not breaking on long runs. Both the plugin and the phone app need to be on 0.8.7 before I can make the switch to the new AI Server. 

Even if I don't have the new AI server passing all its tests this week I'll put the current plugin build online this weekend since there are already numerous improvements over 0.8.69 against the existing AI Server. 

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