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CPFlight Plugin for X-Plane - Beta version with support for LevelUp 737s


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Some of you who own CPFlight hardware may know Midwest 737 Simulation's plugin that supports their MCP, OVH, MIP and all their other 737 devices on X-Plane. If you don't, please head over to https://midwest737simulations.com, check it out and get your free 14 day trial version.

I am the author of this plugin and I'm about to release the latest version with support for the LevelUp 737s - all of them. Right now, I'm looking for beta testers. I believe the plugin is pretty much ready, but before going public, I'd like to still go through a beta phase with some of you.

If you're interested, please drop me a message and I'll provide instructions on how to download and install the plugin. Plan is to release final version until week 3/2022. 

Jorg Neves Bliesener
Midwest 737 Simulations

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