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Autopilot issues

Geoff T

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I’m having problems getting the autopilot to engage on the 736. 

FMC is set, over 400ft, FDs on, AT on, on course. When I select CMD I just get the disconnect light and alarm  

Restarted both X-Plane and the pc. Reinstalled (in case of corrupt file). Re-verifying xp files  

Weird thing is it works on the 700 and the 800. It’s only the 600 I’m having this issue with. 

Any suggestions?

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Hello Geoff,

The fact that all is working fine on the 700 and 800 tells me the in stall is fine.

Can you provide us a video of what you do, and a flight you are so we can "see" what transpires, and maybe be able to replicate the issue, or see what might be going wrong.

I have no problem with the 600 and 700 (I use the Zibo whenever I want to fly an 800).

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