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Threshold LevelUp

Engines Fail During Climb


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Hello everyone, lately I have been flying flight on the 737-700 from Burbank to San Jose or basically anywhere else with any other 737 variant. For the past week I've been looking at the old Zibo forums to see if there is any answer to my problem. Currently all my failures are fixed. But, at around 20000-26000ft both engines fail and I cant seem to restart them mid flight. I tried reinstalling the files twice and still no luck. Can someone help me. This is very frustrating.

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13 hours ago, adenflys said:

Yes, of course


verify your fuel and if wrong procedures is not the issue, try checking if your random failures are enabled. if yes, disable them, on xp11 aircraft menu. i dont remeber very well on level up but on the newest versions of zibo there is also an option inside the efb for random failures. if it exists on level up, try disabling them too.

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