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No PFD en ND information on screens (not working correct)

jos nieswaag

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I have a problem with the correct display of the ND and PFD screen. At the right start I get the following picture: ND: TCAS fail and MAP error no GS, no TAS. Actually no information at all no route etc, etc. PFD: No horizon and other information . What do I need to do to make this work correctly?
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You need to align the IRS system to make the displays come alive.

-You need AC electricity going first (from APU or GPU)

-Then turn both IRS knobs to NAV position on the top overhead panel

-Then enter the GPS_L or GPS_R position as reference pos POS INIT on the FMC


I highly recommend you to watch some COLD & DARK 737 tutorials available on youtube

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