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LevelUp 737 and Goflight Modules using Zibo Config files.


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I use multiple Goflight Modules in my setup, and with the Zibo they all work just fine.

After loading the Zibo 737, I exported the bespoke events and the config files for each module within Polypot's GIT tool. Then created a zip file containing all exported files.
(this is also how I created a backup for the Zibo, and that has worked just fine whenever I had to relaod the configurations to get the modules to work after a clean install.

Then I loaded the LevelUp 737-700, and imported the zip file I just created to configure my Goflight Modules for the LevelUp plane.
The 2x GF-166, 1x GF46 and MCPPro all work just fine.

On the EFIS however, The range selector knob and the mode selector know do not work. (rest works fine).

Does The LevelUp use different events/commands for those compared to the Zibo 738?  

Oh, and YES, I also reached out on the Pollypot support forum, but thought LevelUp might have the answer here.

Edited by dutchdc3
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Its been years since I moved from goflight hardware to VR, so i can't test by myself but loaded the zibo 800NG and the levelup 700NG and I can confirm you both birds uses the same commands for the EFIS's range and mode selector knobs and they are working.


i.e. for CAPT EFIS commands are:







I would suggest the following


-check on the GIT tool for the 700NG profile, what are the current assignments for the range and mode selectors, maybe it got cleared/corrupted during import. If something different is assigned replace with the commands shared above to fix


-if you are unsure how to check, do an export of the 700NG as if you were doing a full backup and share here the GIT 800NG zip and the GIT 700NG zip for me to check the configs for you.


hope this helps


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I did check the assignments in GIT and they are cleared for the range and mode selector rotaries for the LevelUp 737.

I will have a look at what is assigned on the Zibo, and try to mirror manually.

I'll post the zip files later tonight or tomorrow.

Thanks in advance for your assist.

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13 minutes ago, dutchdc3 said:

I did check the assignments in GIT and they are cleared for the range and mode selector rotaries for the LevelUp 737.

Well, that confirms why they are not working 😀


Assigning them the custom commands i listed above should make them work.

note: It is still interesting you check what is assigned for the zibo, makes me curious, maybe a non standard command that is only available for the zibo


glad to hear you are moving

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So, somehow using the .zip file from the Zibo and importing that in the GIT Wizard for the LevelUp 737, it doesn't import the bespoke events. That seems to be what causes the the range and mode selector knobs not to have assignments.

Also, importing the zip files when having the -600, -800 or -900's loaded resulted in GIT closing completely, and all files in the temp folder being deleted.
(I know, not necessarily a LevelUp issue). It did work (with the mentioned missing EFIS assignments) when having loaded the -700.

So, I resolved the issue as follows (for those interested!)
After creating the config .zip file from GIT exported Bespoke events and config file per Goflight Module, while having the Zibo plane loaded in X-Plane:

  1. Unzipped the Zibo config .zip file in a temp folder.
  2. In X-Plane load one of the LevelUp 737 variants (-600/-700/-800/-900/-900ER)
  3. Start GIT and wait for it to connect to the plane.
  4. Look at the plane name showing (Ex. 737_70NG)
  5. This step might not be necessary, but I had to do this to make things work, so you could try first by skipping this step:
    - Open the xxxVars.xml  file in the temp folder with a text editor and change the ICAO B737 to the one shown in GIT, for instance 737_70NG.
    - Save the file as 737_70NG Vars.xml (to match my above example name, lol)

    - Do the same for the b738.xml file, and rename that or save it as 737_70NG.xml

  6. In GIT open Detective
  7. Import Bespoke events, and point to the (Zibo).xml file in the temp folder.
    It will take a few seconds for the Bespoke events to show up in your list
  8. Select the tab of each of your GoFlight module, and select the device number from the drop down.
  9. Enable the device
  10. Import the config file for the corresponding device from the temp folder.
  11. Check functionality in X-Plane
  12. if successful, repeat steps 5-8 for each Goflight module.
  13. If all modules work as expected, delete the files in the temp folder
  14. Exporting the Bespoke events through Detective, and the configs for each mode to a the temp folder.
  15. Create a zip file of ALL the files in the temp folder, and save it elsewhere as a backup.
  16. Load the next LevelUp variant in X-Plane, like the 737-600. 
    This will result in GIT closing.
  17. Reload GIT, wait for it to sync with the airplane and repeat the above steps the variant loaded.

You get the gist that you have to repeat the steps for each LevelUp variant.

I understand that the above looks like a lot of work, but once you completed 1 variant, the others go pretty fast, and I spent enough money on these modules, so it was worth the effort.

Okay, now I'm going back to flying these amazing LevelUp planes and continue to enjoy the use of my GoFlight Modules.

Happy Flying to all.

Edited by dutchdc3
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