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Does this aircraft affect XP's weather?


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A while ago I found that a traffic plugin I was using (think it was XLife) had a feature where the AI aircraft were able to create engine turbulence. It constantly messed with my (default) real world weather, resetting everything to ISA. The issue was solved when I switched off engine turbulence. 

I've flown my XCrafts ERJ145 about 100 times recently with little issue. However, having just started using this LevelUp 737, I've noticed the weather is now often being reset to ISA (and it is ISA, I can see in XWeather, temp is 15, altimeter 1013 etc). 

Video below showing you what I mean where the weather just disappears:


Anybody got any idea what might be causing it? Does anybody else have this issue?

Log attached.



Edited by JKawai
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