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Threshold LevelUp

EFB Features (Working and not implemented)


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I've been flying Zibo's 737 since 2018 and have watched it grow.  Just got Level Up's series working and I must say it's a really nice job.  I'm not certain if it's my installation or a bug, but some EFB features don't work for me .

  • Start Flight Leg
  • Start ground Service Crews
  • Announcements
  • No confirmation that something is done (i.e. a save of a configure/customise item)

Most other features seem to work.  From searching the forums, I see folks pointing to Zibo's EFB for documentation but this is a different implementation.  Is there a list of what features do and do not work?

Edited by Jengle
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14 hours ago, Jengle said:

I've been flying Zibo's 737 since 2018 and have watched it grow.  Just got Level Up's series working and I must say it's a really nice job.  I'm not certain if it's my installation or a bug, but some EFB features don't work for me .

  • Start Flight Leg
  • Start ground Service Crews
  • Announcements
  • No confirmation that something is done (i.e. a save of a configure/customise item)

Most other features seem to work.  From searching the forums, I see folks pointing to Zibo's EFB for documentation but this is a different implementation.  Is there a list of what features do and do not work?

This have been already mentioned

We just have to wait for future implementation. No ETA

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