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Pilot Operate manual

Pilot LISA

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Welcome to Star Alliance Virtual😀

Before you read this manual you need to read rules before. (If you didn't read it still click here!)

I am fully recommend you to read this manual before start activity in this club.

This manual is teach you to how to use this club better.

Contact Pilot LISA in PM or use club support page in this club if you have any questions. (CLUB SUPPORT)



We need information to help you. 

Do not write 'how can I do~~' or 'why I can't do this~~'.

Please write details as you can!



Star Alliance Livery  is not for other livery. Please upload only Star Alliance Special Livery.

Other livery should be in here. Click this!

Livery REQUEST can help you to get your own livery.

Make new topic in the page and named like this.

(aircraft name) + (Airline)

Please follow this to get correct livery.

In the your request please write this.

1.Aircraft name. (not Boeing 737. Write Zibo 737-800)

2.Airline name. (Please write this even your plane is virtual.)

3.MOST IMPORTANT. Airplane Image. (Please give good quality image.)

4.(Option) Reg.

5.Version(Xp11, Xp12....)

6.Special Request. (Ex.custom cabin texture.....)

Please do not pinch to painters.... They are not working 24/7.

And also click 'Follow to this topic' to get notification. Please click that to get livery.


  • Use Today flight to share your today flight to other members.

Especialy for this, there is rule on that page.

1. 1~3 shots per one post.

2. One post per day!

3. It is option, add descriptions.

The post can be edited by moderators if these rules aren't followed...

Please share to other members if you know something is useful!

Plugin, useful tools, livery, scenery, plane etc.....

Our staff will announce news, rule, club update in here. 

Just for notice.

So please do not post or reply to topic without our staff's approvement!

If you have question of notice, do not reply to notice and make topic on CLUB SUPPORT or send PM to me(Pilot LISA).


Thank you.


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