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How to install Carda Jowols IAE on Toliss 320neo?


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Greetings ..I tried to install IAE's on Toliss 320neo...I have followed the instruction manual , but the plane doesn't show any engines.  In Carda Jowols manual He says: "This is the folder with all the engine objects/textures/particles for the mod to work. Once you have placed the folder in the objects directory, we are going to need to edit the wing object before the Aircrafts ACF file using Plane Maker. 1) Go to the Objects Folder above and find the files – “engines.obj” & “blades.obj” 2) Edit the objects in a text editor (I recommend Notepad++) and find and edit the following lines; (Multiple) (If you are using this with the CFM mod then just remove the objects from the ACF instead) “ANIM_hide 0.000000 0.000000 anim/IAE” 3) You can use a find and replace to replace the lines (Multiple) with the following; “ANIM_hide 0.000000 0.000000 none” Once you have edited both objects and saved the file."

There is NO 'engine.obj" in the Toliss 320neo object file Only 'blades.obj"....when going into plane maker and opening  toliss 320neo ACF there is no engines on the plane, and once you make changes on 'MISC OBJECT" tab you dont see any engines on the wings ...please see attached files ( Dont know how to attach files here)





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