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About This Club

Hi. this is a club for my unofficial Carenado C152II plane upgrade. Enjoy!
  1. What's new in this club
  2. !!! IMPORTANT NOTE !!! It seems like there is a BUG in X-Plane 11.36r1! For anyone who has issues with nose wheel steering in 11.36r1 (or even in 11.40 closed beta) , open *Aircraft*/plugins/SASL3_C'52/data/modules/Custom Module/FlyghtDyn.lua in any text editor, locate line 17 and replace this: nosewheel = globalProperty("sim/flightmodel/parts/tire_steer_cmd[0]"), nosewheel = globalProperty("sim/flightmodel/parts/tire_steer_cmd[0]"), to this one: nosewheel = globalProperty("sim/flightmodel/parts/tire_steer_act[0]"), I hope this will be solved soon by LR so I don't plan releasing a general update right now. BR Adrian PS.: don't be surprised if any of your other commercial airplanes will be also broken, this is quite a general issue for any plane that use plugin driven custom nose wheel logic...
  3. Hi guys, v5.1.0 is out, enjoy!!! Don't forget to read changelog for some important details!!!
  4. Hi guys, important news! I ported my plugin to SASL3 so I have now access to all new exciting SASL functions. Here is an example in the upcoming 5.1, new floating windows for G5 devices, will be useful for cockpit builders or those who have instruments on a separate display. Stay tuned!
  5. Some new external objects. Totally useless but hightly improves visual. (Just like engine parts ... ) BR Adrian
  6. A small teaser on the upcoming GPS configurations in 5.1:
  7. Upcoming feature in 5.1, analogue instruments can be masked individually for training purposes. Stay tuned! BR Adrian
  8. Thank you for your suggestion, perhaps I'll try to do some basic engine modelling.
  9. @olderndirt engine sounds are based on real life recordings. Perhaps because of the muffler installed on the real HA-JON..
  10. Just loaded up your latest version - better than ever. A question about engine sound - sounds quite growly for a little O235 Lycoming.
  11. This mod would be definitely complete with failures scenario and engine management: Realistic startup procedure, spark plugs fooling, cylinder wear with improper mixture setting, fuel flooding, oil viscosity and temperature, oil pump so that for instance one could not set full power right away after a startup if the oil is not hot...etc
  12. Bush C152 at the wonderful Quatam River airport by PropStrike Studio!
  13. My little contribution! Love the accuracy of the flight model https://youtu.be/x8G0qWmebU4
  14. Hi, this topic is for wishlist in future developments. Let me know your ideas, suggestions...!
  15. Hi, I started this topic to collect greatest moments of the users who are using my upgrade. So come on Pilots, make beautiful shots of your best moments in my upgrade and share to the community... Who will be the first?!
  16. Hi, I started this topic to collect greatest moments of the users who are using my upgrade. So come on Pilots, make beautiful shots of your best moments in my upgrade and share to the community... Who will be the first?!
  17. Hi, this topic is for project support. If you have issues, suggestions, please post it here.
  18. Hi, here I'll post recent project updates. Stay tuned!

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