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  1. Accurate Vital Display.lua

    This plugin will display vital information like Heading, Airspeed, Altitude, and Vertical Speed. Great plugin for those new to Flight Sim and want to display vital information at finger tip.  
    Here is my video preview.
    This plugin requires latest version of FlyWithLua 2.7.9.  
    Simply copy the script "Accurate Vital Display.lua" it to the your X-Plane 11\Resources\plugins\FlyWithLua\Scripts folder.
    This script is open source and is maintained through GitHub https://github.com/Simssmith/xplane-accurate-vital-display
    Future version will include more customization and a key binding to make this windows visible/hide.   
    Feedback appreciated. 
    Special thanks to developer sparker for code contribution. 
    Older version of this plugin can be download from https://github.com/Simssmith/xplane-accurate-vital-display/releases


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