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6 files

  1. YPCC Scenery pack XP12 only

    This is XP default gateway scenery of YPCC, Cocos Keeling islands from 2019. 
    I have cleaned up excessive nodes, corrected/replaced objects and merged aprons, taxiways, and linemarkings. Corrected ramps, lines, and parkinglots. Trimmed AIP for better performance by removing excessive nodes and better use of bezier curves. Also adjusted the number of types of clutter. Added more Pavement_FX and Terrain_FX for better 3D-immersion. 
    Because I converted all art assets to XP12, this scenery WILL NOT work in XP11 or older. There is NO backwards compability.
    The purpose of this edit is to save VRAM as well increase the performance in sim. 
    I run my XP12 with moderate graphic settings with a NVIDIA 3080 card. My vegetation and objects settings are also set to medium. 
    The purpose of this edit is to save VRAM and increase FPS and making the default scenerys more FPS friendly.
    Validated in WED 2.5.2 without any errors. see images. Very good performance.
    If you like this edit then please give a thumbs up or please help me with some coffee money at https://paypal.me/vSkyChek. If you encounter any problem then please give feedback.
    This airport was edited by using satellite maps, ESRI slippymaps and Jepessen Charts. This airport will be submitted on gateway.x-plane.com

    Disclaimer-Copyrights GPL and stuff.txt


       (0 reviews)



  2. PTPN Scenery pack XP12 only

    This is XP default gateway scenery of PTPN Pohnpei Intl, Micronesia from 2019. 
    I have cleaned up most of the airport excessive nodes, objects and merged aprons, taxiways, and linemarkings.
    Because I converted all art assets to XP12, this scenery WILL NOT work in XP11 or older. There is NO backwards compability.  This edit has saved me VRAM as well increased the FPS.
    I run my XP12 with moderate graphic settings with a NVIDIA 3080 card. My vegetation and objects settings are also set to medium. 
    The purpose of this edit is to save VRAM and increase FPS and making the default scenerys more FPS friendly.
    Validated in WED 2.5.2 without any errors. In Cessna at gate I get whopping 200FPS(!) see image.
    If you like this edit then please give a thumbs up. If you encounter any problem then please give feedback.
    This airport was edited by using Bing maps and ESRI slippymaps.
    Disclaimer-Copyrights GPL and stuff.txt


       (0 reviews)



  3. NZWN Scenery pack XP12 only

    This is XP default gateway scenery of NZWN Wellington Intl New Zeeland from 2022.
    I have cleaned up most of the airport excessive nodes and merged polygons and taxiways.
    I have corrected linemarkings and converted to XP12 art assets. Added some lines thats missing.
    Because I also converted all assets to XP12 this scenery assets WILL NOT work in XP11 or older. There is NO backwards compability.
    This edit has saved me VRAM as well increased the FPS.
    I run my XP12 with moderate graphic settings with a NVIDIA 3080 card. My vegetation and objects settings are also set to medium. 
    The purpose of this edit is to save VRAM and increase FPS and making the default scenerys more FPS friendly.
    Validated in WED 2.5.2 without any errors. In my Zibo mod at gate 20 I get 56FPS, and on outside view 80FPS.
    This scenery is prepared to use with autodgs, and also includes edited local area Draped Ortho ZL19 made by SAS.Planet and Bing maps.
    If you like this edit then please give a thumbs up. If you encounter any problem then please give feedback.
    Disclaimer-Copyrights GPL and stuff.txt


       (0 reviews)



  4. YBCG - Gold Coast International Airport by Zero Dollar Payware 1.0

    Gold Coast Airport is an international airport on the boarder of Queensland and New South Wales, Australia.
    Prior to 2020, the airport saw approximately 6.48 million domestic and international passengers through its terminal. International destinations included New Zealand, Singapore, Japan, Malaysia, and South Korea.
    -          Artistic interpretation of the new south terminal expansion based on architectural renders.
    -          Apron and gate assignments adapted from 2021 information, with fictitious gates 8, 9 and stand 10 for the south expansion.
    -          Custom buildings and assets
    -          SAM jet bridges and marshallers
    -          Terminal interiors
    -          Functional AI Taxi Routes (Tested with WT3 only)
    Known Bugs
    -          The Pacific Motorway tunnel under Runway 32 will have clipping artifacts when using the default XP mesh. We recommend generating an Ortho4XP tile to mitigate this issue.
    -         Report all bugs or issues on our discord channel: https://discord.gg/yp2ghdgWV3 
    Libraries Required
    -          MisterX (https://forums.x-plane.org/index.php?/files/file/28167-misterx-library-and-static-aircraft-extension/)
    -          Scenery Animation Manager Suite 1.4.3, with SAM Base File 2.2.9 (https://forum.thresholdx.net/files/file/122-scenery-animation-manager-suite/)
    By downloading and unzipping this software, you agree to the terms and conditions set out under CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/)
    World Imagery (orthophotos) used with permission from Esri Canada: Esri. "Imagery" . Scale Not Given. "World Imagery". January 21, 2021. https://arcg.is/1WGvqa0 (July , 2021).
    ZDP Developers: StableSystem, Martini, Sonny_, awfsiu
    MisterX for the custom red asphalt curb


       (7 reviews)



  5. YBBN International 2020 by CDG

    YBBN (Brisbane International) is one of the largest airports in Australia, and with the opening of its new Parallel Runway in July 2020, will be the largest airport in Australia, and also have the biggest capacity. CDG have benefited from having some of its members working in the real-life project of implementation of the parallel runway, and with the data available, have created the new airport to benefit X-Plane users.
    Please ensure you have the latest iteration of SAM (available via Threshold), as well as:
    MisterX Library
    CDB Library
    FF LIbrary
    Static_GA_Australia - Library found here: https://forums.x-plane.org/index.php?/files/file/25115-static_ga_aircraft_australia/
    An orthophoto file is available as well, but hosted in other sites, respecting Threshold's rules.


       (0 reviews)



  6. NZHTG - Helicopter Training Ground v3

    NZHTG Helicopter Training Ground v3

    X-Plane 11.30+ is required!
    This is version 3.0, based on Hovercontrol's NZHTG version 2.0 (the original is available at https://forums.x-plane.org/index.php?/files/file/40018-helicopter-training-set/)
    It is a fictional airfield and Helicopter Training Ground located in New Zealand, roughly 25 kilometers down hwy 6 from the town of Fox Glacier (NZFH).
    This set is designed specifically for Helicopter pilots to be able to train and practice exercises that will help them become better rotary wing pilots. 
    It is best used online with other pilots to coach you with tips. I highly recommend to use this scenery with Lyndiman's freeware ortho scenery, DazaXIII's awesome NZ sceneries and also you may want to use an overlay scenery, like Alpilotx's NZ Pro overlay. 
    Lyndiman's NZ Ortho Photography set is available at https://lyndiman.com/lyndimans-new-zealand-ortho-photography-set/
    Alpilotx's NZ Overlay is available at http://www.alpilotx.net/downloads/x-plane-10-new-zealand-pro/
    DazaXIII's NZ sceneries are available at https://forums.x-plane.org/index.php?/profile/564549-dazaxiii/content/&type=downloads_file&change_section=1
    Included starting locations:

    NZHTG  - The airfield with a grass runway and three helipads.
    NZHTGS - A carrier, some frigates and several on-sea landing points, two helipads are available as starting positions (one on the carrier and one on a frigate). 
    NZHTGC - A campsite near to the airfield with two helipads. 
    Required libraries:

    Updated "Handy Objects" (https://forums.x-plane.org/index.php?/files/file/24261-the-handy-objects-library/)
    Updated "CDB Library" (https://forums.x-plane.org/index.php?/files/file/27907-cdb-library/)
    Updated "OpensceneryX" (https://www.opensceneryx.com)
    Updated "HungaryVFR Library" (https://github.com/nhadrian/X-plane_HungaryVFR/archive/HungaryVFR-Library.zip)
    Updated "MisterX Library" (https://forums.x-plane.org/index.php?/files/file/28167-misterx-library-and-static-aircraft-extension/)
    Hopefully all required libs are listed. 

    Hovercontrol for the original scenery
    FlyAgi for the vegetation
    Chris for Sea Life
    Union Vogelhirsch for everything else

    Changes what I made:
    The Carrier / Frigate now are seperate from NZHTG, has it's on ICAO code.  Added some life to its surroundings.  A lighting house with a helipad and an oil rig with its own helipad has been added.  NZHTG:
    Fully reworked NZHTG airfield, lots of objects, buildings and vegetation. Relocated the training grounds so it will fit to the ortho scenery.  FieldNoise integration, voice over instructions at the training grounds. 
    A campsite near to the airfield with a beauty view with two helipads.  
    If you would like to donate you can by PayPal, or you can buy me a cofféé, thanks!


       (1 review)



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