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Hi, everyone.

Much later than previously thought, here are the download links to the immersion packs for the Embraer 175 & 195 (by X-Crafts, not SSG).
They are provided "as is", so for the moment that means: no support. I simply lack the time, but wanted to share what's sitting on my hard drive.
If you can agree to the following terms of use, proceed to the download link below and enjoy. Happy Flying!

Please note that both downloads include short installation instructions in form of txt and pdf file.

All files (c) 2017 / 2018 by audiobirdxp / o.schmidt

================================ TERMS OF USE / LICENSE ================================================================

The files in this download are free of charge, but not free of copyright:

You may download and use the provided files as you wish, but you may not:

- re-upload them to a different location where anyone but you can access these files
- share or distribute them in any way
- modify and distribute them in any way
- reverse-engineer these files
- use them for commercial or non-commercial products without the express permission by the author (see contacts below)
- take credit for any part

By installing and using any files provided with the download, you acknowledge that the author is not responsible for any potential harm they might cause either to you,
other people, your hardware or software.
Any files in this download are provided "as is".

The contents of the folder "plugins" with exception of any file in "scripts" are (C) by Laminar Research who hold all rights on these files.




Warning: REMOVE and backup the folder "fmod" in your aircraft's directory before installing.

copy the folders "fmod" and "plugins" into your aircraft's root directory (e.g. C:\X-Plane 11\Aircraft\Embraer E175 v2.3 XP11). Done.

Hints: Do not use E195 as AI aircraft while flying E175 and vice versa!!!

Hints: You CAN use these packs with SSG's Embraers (no guarantee as to function - I don't own the SSGs hence no testing): Rename the .snd file to whatever the .acf file is called.


e175 thumb copy.jpg

Edited by audiobirdxp
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