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About This Club

This is the place for all products and projects of audiobirdxp (AXP). Find download links, donation links, support and more here.
  1. What's new in this club
  2. Hey all, Am I able to use the FMOD for the Zibo 737 and copy it to the Levelup 737NG? Thanks, Kilosim
  3. Hi there, I just installed the full package of the Zibomod 738 3.44, but I am getting no sounds whatsoever... any theories?
  4. Hey, Maybe you can build in the option to change the approach Minumum Callout (100ft above DH) from "Apr Minimum" to "Plus Hundred" Miss that so much :( Regards from Germany.
  5. Any idea when? I'm looking to add Jet2/ TUI UK PA.
  6. There are 15 sets if I remember correctly. If you step through then you will hear them announced. I can’t comment on current Zino versions as I’m not working on it any longer and have little to no time to do virtual flights, sorry!
  7. Hello, everyone! I hope you're all doing fine and are well in these special times. I just wanted to say "hello" to everyone and also clarify a few things. What is audiobirdxp doing right now? Due to the radical changes COVID-19 has brought, my job has become increasingly time consuming and demanding. In a way it's a blessing, considering having a good (or any) job at all at the moment is not a given. That and the trouble surrounding the blatant theft of intellectual property surrounding the old "Ultimate" project and - more seriously - from the 737-800X I had to give up all the non-essential and sadly free work for X-Plane. I've finished all projects I was tasked except one that is still in development. By the way, if you are interested, you can hear my work in the excellent Leading Edged Simulation's C23 Sundowner and also Magknight's 787 (not sure how far in development the 787 is by now, but the sounds include in-depth representations of both Trent 1000 and GENx engines!). What is up the 737 ripoffs available on certain facebook groups and other sites? While we are at it, some time ago I lost the will to fight against the person who ripped of my and Zibo's and others' work for the 737 series. If I find time, I may post the unspeakable mails this person has sent my way, it makes for a very entertaining and also worrying read. That said, I'd like to clarify again that neither Zibo nor me as main content creators the 737 nor anyone else involved with development has ever, even in the slightest way, agreed to the rip-off of our work. To the contrary, very early on we tried to argue reasonably with the person responsible but it was and is utterly futile. The only reason I write about this is that I've been sent a statement by him in which he basically declares all his infringments and total ignorance of copyright etc. by claiming that we (Zibo, me, ....) had never disagreed to him using our stuff and by crediting the original creators (which is completely irrelevant and beside the point). Just to make this clear: The very opposite is true, we very clearly denied the use of anything we created, several times, on several media.His doings are one of the main reasons development of the 737-900 and -700 went into total hiatus. What about the 737s and other free projects? I can only tell you that I stopped working on any of the 737s or the free Embraer packs months ago (as published). I appreciate you guys sending mails and messages my way asking for advice or requesting liveries etc. - but I don't do anything besides current and upcoming commercial projects anymore! Please direct your questions towards the mods (in the 737 club, discord or on the .org) or Zibo or other people in the know and you will receive relevant answers. What about commercial projects? I finish current projects (see above) and I can also take on new commercial projects depending on the aircraft. If you are interested, shoot me an e-mail, but please understand that I cannot take on free projects for sheer lack of time. Every project I take eats up time (very much in fact) that I work in my real bread-and-butter job and at this time it would be irresponsible especially towards my family to cut down on my actual job for labour of love like the 737. That said, I again want to thank everyone who sends a nice message once in a while or even a donation after all this time! You are great people and I hope you all get safely through whatever the future holds for us! Cheers, audiobirdxp
  8. Hi, How many audio packs are currently in the ZIBO such as airlines that play trigger throughout the flight? I have heard United, Southwest, Delta and American (can't get American to triger any longer after a recent update). Are there any others for the other default airlines or a place to get more? Thank you.
  9. Wait so this sound thing is already in the zibo mod??? I am very confused
  10. Hi Is there a way to edit the PA announcements - I'm wanting to replace some as I never fly in the US - maybe a Jet2/TUI safety brief? How do I do this? Thanks.
  11. I am using a quadraphonic config, does the FMOD banks not support this configuration? Do I have to be on 5.1? ToLiss's sounds seems to be working with my setup..
  12. The sounds and scripts and extra functions are already included in the downloads of the 737-800X (the "Zibo") and the spin-off 737-700 and 737-900. There is no need to download them from any extra site!
  13. Hi there, I can't find a donwlaod button! Can somebody help me?
  14. Hi all, I have stopped working on any 737 project several months ago. I appreciate the input but I won’t change anything beyond the current state.
  15. Hi, Yes, I can give you a help if you're interested. I'm Portuguese living in Rep. of Ireland and fluent in English, French, Spanish and Italian. Regards, Jorge
  16. Hello, I am willing to contribute to the translation of Crew's announcements. Anyone interested?
  17. Hello! I made several sounds changing reverse activation sound and speed brake deployment sound(for XPRealistic pro. Here it is: The thing is I don’t like that two sounds overlap each other. I’m kindly asking you to give me a NORMAL answer how can I disable or remove etc. the default sound, so they doesn’t conflict together. I hope you understand me well, even without my mod sound from XPrealistic overlaps with default. You can give an option like “use default speed brake deployment sound” in ZIBO’s EFB. That would be very nice! Take it seriously please:) good day!
  18. I would like to know where are stored the sound files for the Audiobird Crew announcements for the Zibo B737 Mod. I want to check it them can be modified in other language. Any help?
  19. does ANYONE know how to download audioxp immersion pack for xplane 11 zibo mod tony gard

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