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SAM 2.1.1 crashes on X-Plane startup


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To make it quick:
2.1.0 worked at least and did not shut down X-Plane.

Since 2.1.1 is required for World Jetways 1.0.4 and Airport Vehicles this is very annoying.

A brief overview, here are the last lines from the log. It doesn't show much:


[AOS] [2020-09-29.17:38:30] 😆 Loading AOS
[AOS] [2020-09-29.17:38:30] 😆 Configuration Loaded
[AOS] [2020-09-29.17:38:30] 😆 Updated license
[AOS] [2020-09-29.17:38:30] 😆 License loaded
[AOS] [2020-09-29.17:38:31] 😆 Weather data loaded successfully
[AOS] [2020-09-29.17:38:31] 😆 Registered and loaded flightplan datarefs
[AOS] [2020-09-29.17:38:31] 😆 Aircraft data loaded
[AOS] [2020-09-29.17:38:31] 😆 WorldJetways Extension Loaded
[AOS] [2020-09-29.17:38:31] 😆 Loading airport data from apt file and generating cache D:\spiele\x-plane 11\Custom Scenery\RJOO\Earth nav data\apt.dat


well, any help is welcome.



Edited by Havena
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Wow I thought I was the only one. SAM was working fine for me up until yesterday when I purchased KLAS and the SAM vehicles. I didnt install KLAS but I did SAM and xp would even boot up. I deleted the entire SAM plugin and used the SAM installer to redownload everything but that still crashed the sim. I removed the Airport vehicles and xp still crashed. For now SAM has been removed until this gets solved.

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  • 2 weeks later...


After having problems with the new version of XP 11.50 final, when the simulator did not start, I reinstalled the original version and put my plug-ins one by one. The last one I installed, via the SAM suite, was the SAM basepack. Unfortunately it was what presented problems and the simulator does not start. I downloaded the latest version (2.1.2) and, even so, the problem persists. Any idea what I need to do to resolve it? Thank you very much. (I used the google translator).

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