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[FIXED] Enhanced Skyscapes looks really good and really bad....


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Update: The product install requires you to also install Microsoft Dot.Net 5.0. I did that, but I didn't reboot. After a reboot everything looks normal and perfectly awesome.

Thought this would be good to leave here in case any others ran into this. 

-------- Original Post ---------
Just installed Enhanced Skyscapes and it's AWESOME..... except it's unusable...

1. The scene out the window: Top 2/3rds of the sky is GORGEOUS! but... no buildings at all, bottom 1/3 looks normal. Difficult to explain but the product is unusable  given the current release.

2. All of my airport buildings are gone. I have airport lighting, but absolutely no buildings, except for autogen buildings.

Images are a bit fuzzy and appear curved because I'm using a curved screen but you can see what I mean. It's like it's trying to paint 2 separate scenes.

X-Plane 11.55
Latest NVidia Drivers
Resolution: 5760 x 1024
2080ti Graphics Card
64Gb System Memory



Edited by raysot
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