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what exactly it does?


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hey sir

before even purchasing or trying out the demo , i would like to ask what exactly does it do? it only changes the sky colours and clouds? does it alter the sun, moon,night lighting, wateR?? or its only job is to change the sky colours and the clouds? Why i ask is, is it compatible with skycolours that i have downloaded from other forums or it has its own sky colours?

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4 hours ago, coolgovind180 said:

hey sir

before even purchasing or trying out the demo , i would like to ask what exactly does it do? it only changes the sky colours and clouds? does it alter the sun, moon,night lighting, wateR?? or its only job is to change the sky colours and the clouds? Why i ask is, is it compatible with skycolours that i have downloaded from other forums or it has its own sky colours?

trust me, you don't need any other addons apart from this one....it's awesome. I use it with Active Sky for weather generation and they go very nicely together 😄


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You won't need any other cloud add-on pack if you install this plugin. It quite literally breathes new life into an aging sim platform. The clouds are gorgeous and they roll and change over time, just like real clouds.

Best add-on I ever purchased and would have gladly paid a lot more for it!

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