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Clouds disappear while in flight


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I  don't know if this is going to be fixed or addressed, but I have noticed that the clouds like to disappear mid flight when flying over a clear area. So it is correct that it should be clear over the area that I'm flying, but the way the clouds disappear is slightly unrealistic. But, with the beauty of this addon, it is worth the 15$ that I have payed. (btw I am using active sky for my weather)

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I agree that this behavior is unrealistic, but currently there is nothing can be done to fix this behavior as it is a limitation of default X-Plane weather APIs and the information they give. I am working on integrations with other weather engines like ASXP and FSGRW which will help to address this behavior in the future. I am sorry for the inconvenience, this is one of the main limitations of ES.

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7 minutes ago, Bigtex52 said:

My problem is that for 5 minutes the clouds are broken (~90 % overcast), then clear, cloudless and hazy for the next 5 minutes and then back to broken for the next 5 minutes, and so on. Do I have something set wrong?


I think this is because you don't have Global Static Depiction mode enabled in ASXP, which you can find in Simulator Depiction Options submenu of ASXP options. Enhanced Skyscapes currently draws clouds globally so it causes such weird transitions when ASXP is injecting non-global weather.

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Thanks so much for the reply! I enabled Global Static Depiction and restarted ASXP so I will see if that gets things better. By the way, in the Zibo, sometimes I get a line up both windscreens that starts at the wiperhub and goes to the nearest cloud that has a light bending, almost prismatic effect, in real time. (You can see the clouds streaming by like looking through a magnifier.  Have you seen that? I will take a screenshot next time it happens. I did discover that running one cycle of the windscreen wiper gets rid of it sometimes. You are doing great work that has been needed in xp11 for a long time! Thanks so much!

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