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Clouds disappearing


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Just purchased Enhanced Skyscapes and I'm noticing the clouds do disappear while in a middle of a flight, making this very unrealistic. I noticed someone else complained about the problem already in earlier months, but has a fix been found to avoid this from happening? Any response would be greatly appreciated. 

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Firstly I'm really sorry for the issue you have - this is currently a limitation of ES which has been mentioned in the "Limitations" section of the documentation. It can only read the current weather station and draw the weather globally, so when you are flying a clear region all clouds disappear. This is mostly due to the fact that X-Plane does not have an API for reading its coverage map.

However I am working on an ASXP integration which will feature smooth weather transitions and local weather drawing. I am also working on making default weather integration better, so more localized formations might be possible in the future.

If this is a really big deal breaker for you, I'd recommend requesting a refund. I am really sorry for any inconvenience.

Edited by BiologicalNanobot
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