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Threshold LevelUp

Why is the view all messed up?


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I have also problems with the default view.

In Zibo I fixed this by changing the vanish_y value to 595. I did the same change in Levelup, saved and restarted XP11. But still the default view looks like this :

(I would like to see full left site cockpit, like in the default 737-800 as the standard view.)




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I am answering myself. I solved this by editing the 737*.acf files manually  with the values I wanted. Because when I changed the vanish_y from the tab the files werent affected.

P acf/_cockpit_planned_vanish_y/0 595.0
P acf/_cockpit_planned_vanish_y/1 510.0
P acf/_cockpit_planned_vanish_y/2 510.0
P acf/_cockpit_planned_vanish_y/3 510.0
P acf/_cockpit_planned_vanish_y/4 510.0
P acf/_cockpit_planned_vanish_y/5 510.0
P acf/_cockpit_planned_vanish_y/6 510.0
P acf/_cockpit_planned_vanish_y/7 510.0
P acf/_cockpit_planned_vanish_y/8 655.0
P acf/_cockpit_planned_vanish_y/count 9


So now I have the default view I want.




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