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737NG Autoland question


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Hey! I have a slight issue with the autoland system: I've tried a couple of times  to perform an autoland on a CAT III ILS, sometimes it seems to work, sometimes it doesn't. I set the ILS frequency on both receivers, match the course left and right and I have the correct ID on the PFD. I arm the approach mode, the LOC is captured followed by the GS. the I have now "SINGLE CH" on the PFD. Here is the problem: when i try to engage CMD B (CMD A is already on) to perform the autoland, CMD B engages correctly but the CMD A goes dark, and I have only one AP engaged, same the other way around. What am I doing wrong?

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You need to make sure BOTH radios are tuned into the correct ILS frequency and are active.  If you don't have the FO-side set up properly; as you've noted, CMD B will take over once engaged.

Edited by Dan
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