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Threshold LevelUp

Just Broken, Cold and dark or engines on now working

DH Simulations

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Hi, Just today, i am having problems wtht eh level up and zibo. If i load in at stna dcold and dark, i am asked in the tablet reload last flight which when i click no doesnt appear. The switches (BAT) is already closed and isnt turning on the screens, the gear is up and the Captain HUD is down, any ideas?

This is me loading onto the runway with engines on seltected: https://imgur.com/xA1xviJ

And yes, i have re-installed and re-started.



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Could you please follow these instructions:

1. Install the "737NG Series" on the "X-Plane 11\Aircraft" folder. And Not on the "Laminar Research" folder or "Extra Aircraft" folder.

2. Make sure you have the latest C++ Redistribution. https://aka.ms/vs/17/release/vc_redist.x64.exe

3. Make sure you have the latest drivers for you Graphics Card.

4. Make sure you don't have xLUA in your "X-Plane 11\Resources\plugins" folder

5. Validate on Steam or run the Installer to check on missing or broken files

6. Turn off or add an exclusion folder on your Anti-Virus

Make a detailed post on including Aircraft Type, Issue and Description and a Log.txt

Tell us everything you've done to try to resolve it on your own. Follow the steps above and tell us you did them, each one of them.

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