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CFM LEAP Wrong Spinning Direction Toliss A321


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Hello everyone!

First of all what an amazing job you have done Daniel with those engines! 

I have a full install on my Toliss A321 Neo Upgrade Pack of all your engines CFM56, IAE V2500, CFM LEAP and PW.

They change accordingly with the Toliss ISCS and all work perfectly except for the CFM LEAP.

All engines N1 fans spins clockwise (in the aircraft's direction) as they should ; except the CFM LEAP which spins anti-clockwise (against the blades orientation) from start-up to shutdown.

This only happens with the modded CFM LEAP (not the default Toliss LEAP).

I'm using the 2.0 version of the LEAP and followed the installation instructions for the Toliss Neo Upgrade Pack Replacement.

Any ideas about what could be causing the issue?

Many thanks all for the help!

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  • 6 months later...
On 2/4/2022 at 5:03 AM, TheMask320 said:

Hello everyone!

First of all what an amazing job you have done Daniel with those engines! 

I have a full install on my Toliss A321 Neo Upgrade Pack of all your engines CFM56, IAE V2500, CFM LEAP and PW.

They change accordingly with the Toliss ISCS and all work perfectly except for the CFM LEAP.

All engines N1 fans spins clockwise (in the aircraft's direction) as they should ; except the CFM LEAP which spins anti-clockwise (against the blades orientation) from start-up to shutdown.

This only happens with the modded CFM LEAP (not the default Toliss LEAP).

I'm using the 2.0 version of the LEAP and followed the installation instructions for the Toliss Neo Upgrade Pack Replacement.

Any ideas about what could be causing the issue?

Many thanks all for the help!

Hey there! I just came across with the same issue as you. Were you able to find a solution to this by any chance by now? 

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