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Threshold LevelUp

Trim Runaway on APR


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Just recently switched to trying the LevelUP 737.

I have done two flights so far that went perfect until final approach.

The aircraft trim seems to runaway (its not really a runaway but for some reason it just wants to really pitch up and put itself into a deep stall) to full up. Even when my speed is fine and I am lowering flaps accordingly to help with lift.

I have many upon many hours between the Zibo 737 and the PMDG as well and I don't believe I am doing anything wrong here. 

Has anyone else had similar issues? 

Is this a known bug/issue?




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I have this with the -700 (the only type I use). Seems to be a bug. At the moment I've uninstalled the LevelUp and wait for an update.

For all other types it seems to help to switch on experimental flight model.

Edited by Manne67
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