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Issues with my install of the IAE mod for the FFa320


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Youve either changed the name of the ACF or something in the Authors section of the ACF that the plugin needs to function. Or your copy of the 320 was corrupted. You'll have to start again. Copy the FF320 folder load it up first check it works then do the mod. But don't change the file name of the acf or anything but the UI name of the authors panel. Thats the first box at the top.

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5 hours ago, cardajowol said:

Youve either changed the name of the ACF or something in the Authors section of the ACF that the plugin needs to function. Or your copy of the 320 was corrupted. You'll have to start again. Copy the FF320 folder load it up first check it works then do the mod. But don't change the file name of the acf or anything but the UI name of the authors panel. Thats the first box at the top.

Fixed thanks. turned out i changed the wrong thing in the author's section 

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