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737NG: Left Gen Won't Enable


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I've tried this several different ways: Using an ASU, GPU, straight to APU....no matter which way I start the aircraft the left engine generator will not enable. It just shows the "SOURCE OFF, GEN OFF BUS" with no way to reset it. I also noticed that when I use the APU, the left engine seems to be spooled a bit at about 18% N2. The cabin altitude warning also comes on after some time and even after switching it to manual, I cannot get the warning to go away.

I'm not sure if it's supposed to be this way but Start Leg & Start Ground Services on the tablet don't work as well.

Everything else seems to be working just fine. Fresh install using the 737-700NG.

737_70NG - 2022-04-19 14.20.18.png

737_70NG - 2022-04-19 14.20.10.png

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Are you using a Honeycomb yoke by any chance? I noticed that using the Zibo profile on the Aerosoft site that uses the starter switch for TCAS settings or Autobrake settings messes up Engine 1. It will show that it's running but you're not able to engage the Gen switch. Try turning off the starter switch and see if you can engage the Gen switch. This would also fix you're pack problem.

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Strangely enough I had my second throttle, which is a military throttle I use, was plugged in and was causing the issue. Once I unplugged the throttle, the generator started working and now it appears the pack is back to normal and is attempting to normalize the cabin pressure.

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