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LU 737-800 State Issues


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I've been using this aircraft for a while with no issues, but now something I cannot identify has changed and I'm having a problem.  

When I start a flight in XP with 'Start with Engines Running' checked, the engines are started, but the generators are not on, and the GEN1 generator will not turn on at all and shows Source Off warning in amber.  The FO avionics are off, and a number of systems are not operational due to the generators being off.   I have deleted the entire 737NG folder, re-downloaded and extracted.  The issues persists, and the headings and various other MCP settings  persist from the last flight.  This makes me think that the aircraft state is not stored with the aircraft folder, and perhaps something is messed up with the saved state.  I am not using the Config store and Save function of the EFB yet as I have not figured out how that works.  

I've attached a log file.  I notice there are a number of "LevelUp FM: add" rows with no other content.  Probably not germane to these problems, but curious nonetheless.  

I also am having an issue with the parking brake being off every time the aircraft spawns so it runs into the airport buildings and equipment.  


Edited by Mandretti
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7 hours ago, Mandretti said:

I've been using this aircraft for a while with no issues, but now something I cannot identify has changed and I'm having a problem.  

When I start a flight in XP with 'Start with Engines Running' checked, the engines are started, but the generators are not on, and the GEN1 generator will not turn on at all and shows Source Off warning in amber.  The FO avionics are off, and a number of systems are not operational due to the generators being off.   I have deleted the entire 737NG folder, re-downloaded and extracted.  The issues persists, and the headings and various other MCP settings  persist from the last flight.  This makes me think that the aircraft state is not stored with the aircraft folder, and perhaps something is messed up with the saved state.  I am not using the Config store and Save function of the EFB yet as I have not figured out how that works.  

I've attached a log file.  I notice there are a number of "LevelUp FM: add" rows with no other content.  Probably not germane to these problems, but curious nonetheless.  

I also am having an issue with the parking brake being off every time the aircraft spawns so it runs into the airport buildings and equipment.  

Log.txt 117.31 kB · 0 downloads

LU 737 NG Series or ZiboMod are not meant to handle X-Plane 'Start with Engines Running' checkbox enabled

In place use EFB Setting for Saved Start State : read the EFB user guide for this

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Good to know - thanks!  And where is the user guide for the LU version of the EFB.  I see one for Zibo in the 737NG folder but the appearance and functionality of the LU version seems different.  Like many of the functions are not there. 

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