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Update for 767-400


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I am a big fan of your engine mods and use them with all aircraft for which they are available. Now that the FF 764 expansion is released, I was wondering if there is a chance we'll see an update of the GE mod for this variant? I guess this could be done with new position values only in Plane Maker, correct?

Thanks for your amazing work @cardajowol

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On 7/14/2022 at 1:39 AM, melb00m said:

I am a big fan of your engine mods and use them with all aircraft for which they are available. Now that the FF 764 expansion is released, I was wondering if there is a chance we'll see an update of the GE mod for this variant? I guess this could be done with new position values only in Plane Maker, correct?

Thanks for your amazing work @cardajowol

New position values should be it. I am on FF discord and they have new positions, here they are.




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16 hours ago, 73samster said:

Do you know if there is a way to save that act file and put it back after the update?  would it work?

Yes, right click the acf file like you are gonna drag it, then simply release it in the same folder, and click on "Make Copy" and it will make you a acf file with -copy at the end of it.

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2 hours ago, Crazychris said:

Yes, right click the acf file like you are gonna drag it, then simply release it in the same folder, and click on "Make Copy" and it will make you a acf file with -copy at the end of it.

I’m on Mac but I get it. But when I do have a copy how do o activate it instead of the new one?  Will activating the copy miss any updates?  Are they actually updating the acf file?

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